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Varies esti We le gekew ae FSGE Sat. tee fee
nl rete ae
bination Uwretdj:. (1) relatice 2ceuracics of bia weutins Callratiatt ag Gee 10)
" Lumits for correction factors calculated for 2 broad range cf assumed radiation source geome-



. 3

decay of U™ fission pradoct=by J. Mackin of NADL (report in qvepavation) priate Le ania


_ Utes and the Project 2.3 deeay deta rormalired nt H+ 6 mintes.

The normalizing techesprcs cestribad in Sectian 1.3 aad Equttinn 1.) were tiilized to esti~
mate th: dose rates du te the ungress of radioactive matersais. Two estimates of dose rites







were made for cach Inpresu coarsartment GITR tocaticnis). Tha two dose rate lustaries, which
were normalized to the lagress compariment dose rate hivterbes, were selected because isteg~

" ration of the dose estes so ohtr ped gave near maxisea aixt spiaiaz Coces [or the dain availnble.
No limits efpretette emrer ex rr assiered to tha eslinsied tarrose doar rates asd Goces.-


Although Limits ena be assigued to eaceTlaiatios in tla basic Gale e5ed, 1416 ig ool true for Ge.

normalizing factor ex (he hemiicit 2esumytion Uat (x3 eerer Gor salsidiug Lacter eatationshiped 7
were cons:2nk The range ed ectinain! dyer o2 Lhialive a eocertaLay ot the estions*s.


* per

Age cl.
yi. watt pagiloke 33d caus
do ler sfiswe
” data wi con -.s eto te ato cocse fame bil aemvepie cit,
incremenial 7 et tag aie footer. Upem rein a the a lieve:

treme vot ex optes had Caged to very Ise

Pees ceo
2 fed gop SLR"ote


aa by Cua iiseb: 0:

counting data co ivisted 03 fics per namale by compariogs wits 1 eek of 2.3 Slt Pls. ae
from the RE>S62, b2et Carelin.


Mo time history ef material onilee*icn was Ced-ciole Irom the pemira 230 rate ettimates,




"The simple’ ascwrn 20) om were eaad Garyslore ondCase petes cotiraiet 21 tee eontes of 2.
spherical volume ust. ¢ Dtsaliva 1.2 and bdegratec to esil ate the ece Cae to alrleroe recioe

active materi in t! > restated test compartnynis. -Equotions 1.3 ard 14 were aed (a ate

- male airborne conceliratiers cf 27?Sivity. .



Surface samples were counted and, for the only cipniticznt case of degositlen, ‘the bigest
- Sample activity was osed te esiimate done rates and the dose dee to deposited material.

No limits of protulite error ean be acsigned to estitnztes tased ou sampior daa. The”



approximations ard .ssuucptioas wore inate in ouch a manner as to provide miaiem dome

' estimates for the cata Rained.





2.3.4 Film Badge Dota. The caia vas used by lea of GITR data ‘2nd to szpplemeat GITR
data In some instancer, co estisaate incress dozen, or io estabtica the relative magnitude of

- os

doses between various shirLoard lovations, betrees ships and slots. ingress doses were
estimated by the difleresces sa dvses between ins -e5 and the mest nearly physically similar
noningress Compartme:3%. No limis of probabie ¢rror'can be assigned to such extimates for

the same reasors given ivr GITR-hased ingress dose estimates. Tb2 film badge data tas beca

aasigncd standard limits ef error by Project 21 Gatrrence 283 of 2 20 percent

2. 5 Animal
TissueRuce. Arims's were sacrificed, tissers countet, end-activity ietale3

at Variostimes.
saccitice schedclefar Loth shes is givea in ‘Table 33, Becaweof


shee rrnear ee nen ARE FEO
AON ee


from czieclaied averzges tSrre aparcprtiste. fa greeral tae peecision dé Wece Cua wes csdie
mated to be within 423 perovsd. This rossimbstic calimate af precision resalied Sreta te
manuel :larting of moct of the CITR's which crested nome ervertaloty in the thmtay et varlots
GITR rccords (Reference IS.
Toe TER dose yate Cate Was cares’: deo ceay. The cores wore overated for foetaree
+. tadivaie the begios:y and cad of cavelcpment, the tesieeteg set cul cf he overe
_ of radios: iive material, aad th: mamitade of decay-ecorrected dose raics (ot were Cae to de~
posited matezial. The dscay ctad was boced on pretiecinarg experimeatal esi of ion chamber

courted ac0/8 t

Fe te ee eg.


sore cemeteries eenneirettie Saas


epee yee
Mn mee,


trices and pamsna enerypies: (5) eslumised Liceef thatig orryes; owl ( 1)the vartaece cl dota

Select target paragraph3