
io,1ELIE were 0 RETR, WET
EET DT COMER INTENT SF reir ten yer,
DAE esteTET eee” cin ne aenn a in GREineealySB,


Peete gas empretrisn we ae

A teRE SITI NaatDREN LE OP OTmliat hues Rie eG ae



Fee bee eeeee es

$a the upposite Gtrettion, Allezhiust termives wepe ia ie orecbred S- ar an ecb o7 sid of
eae camrartrcent (figures ZIP throonk 2.15), Na earveyof air Cistritciica pattornd eas
fezsible (howgh plancct), and sur caiaciers Senw Toentod fecect were feted ta be prieeted
aizjathe. B can osiy ba quaitalirely atared Ohot oceiien amd dihuater efior’s wece acreniicm
ta bath the calicy and the engine cua, based os ice pate of change cf zir ard ¢.2 vertaika ip distances Letreca supply Sed exduet terminals (7.032 3.5.
ia the after firercom, the exty cir moves’ weal] 2 dee to the prosiere ercated by tha


forred-draft ower 63 te 15 behenef wiSe7) forcing air ext thooeeh kate: and vectiiction scale. —
‘This wosld bo erpoeted ta pretco a rathar ow soncment cc air ts the emertesd,
“Although the after fireresun (Trdile 2.2) was the only Zirercom Gexignsted as a test space iar

AO RE OR Ae RAN Dreee |

eke te Seed ofiwt eC Agee SS aetk. LIE ae coe


this project, GITR’s for Project 2.1 were installed in ize fesward Hrercama. This GITR chilis
was also useli:t fo Project 2.2, - fn the farward flrenunm, Ke. 1 boller wes fired te sanpiy uterus
to Gperate machinery in the for. ard engine room. Comision airlew wos about hal of ee
airflow through the unfired boiler fn the uiter fireroom. %2 both firernums,. hatches and verti--

lation openings were closed and sealed against the ingxcas cf contazmimois.




2.1.9 Air Sampier Eiiciercy. in all sampler installations in compartments and wortiztica






aba nowiend: sonnel eiefirce.ci €,ieBS head for Wales and 5,083 {set Gar


and comsliely cloned, exceptfor aireiniaks|eenuers tor the talsoving systems: (7) teuk vere



Eng eR.

het day, oniiuitls were pueced in their noes ocd netvcc.ce3 wore chedladl. Fercunsd
barked oi H-5 koare for Wuroo and st A-G newrs cor United, leaving ths elds wansany a

‘titattion, (2) combustion alr apatenie for tess ieee usd tperating holies, ‘gad 33 carctucsition *
alr systems for operating diesels. The eporaiieg bolicr expplied stean ix Grive (La malo
propision rcchinery, which eas bolog cporcthet iar chock-duurit etalcation. Vee diecels
were prime movers far zeusrators furnishing powes fer insirumviaticm A washcurn spsiesa,
activated several hears priar to shel time, washed the entive weather surfaced of the ship, wita

the exception uf theinstremect glatlorm ace> the forward pun directoe. Thi wasikiowa eoutinced |

oh ee deoetameenrtersanandinmeats tes tesa,



Cemamtistiestorors stdsvere cowle-tet shoved the By-S02 caries Sits Vokes ars ,
erty ey Laeoore?irr
Ger Tine
MR, HUTTAce Gute

operate anil approximately H+39 hours alier Wahoo end 1+ 23 hoara after Gnrelia. The
wind speed was £5 evita curirg Wahon an 2 kaos deriv Umbrella. .

aimee A Ther tere SAMOgerm


cakes, the crerece Lice welaciiy at the evinpler L'zr2 wad ent rated te be equal te or grvater
than the atest, casa velorty. Kaowever, tn tie uinka cpus, alrctreas weiscities were grace
ably bigtor thaa camtnior veletiies. Ferther, the samrter jocatione wire dictated by ap -e
reQrirerncr’s 2 ab icag ot Lave Leen ta the priccip nd
cirpsth. Oa the ire
vent plform sluve
the eua civectey, the morepier egerdkt’ fewed ee, suet wierd o sbrz"8s susie 2 boats waa
redoce the efiteiesce ef rarwit3. .



eee te 2 ee eer ceee ones nonerE

hing fxerd at 8° ts the extimated direction 8 ais saovement. bu these.



2.2.1 Sit Wahoo, Folloning Shot Wahoo, the towing. méoriuy hwerge broke loose and, sub- Scquentily, strece the s‘arheant side of the stern of tle DI-SS2, leaving Cie ship mocred by the
bow only, The ship changed position, healing inte tae wind, but matutyined its approxin:ste
distance from surlace zero,
: Project 2.2 rccovery operations were accocaplished on the cayalter the shot. The recovery
party boarde? the ship at H~+21 hours $5 minutes (1125) to recover Scxuples, instruments,
charts, and Project 2.1 filrc cadges, which had becninstailed in Project 2.2 test spaces. Re-

covery %a3 completed ia 45 mites. No vorket cusineter reading eaceeded 150 mr.

2.2.2 evelUrorelia, Presbet operations differe? fram those for Waboo in that the majority
et GITh recorders weis matuxily started, thued by 19 4-3 hwur radio voice signal. Oaly tro





Select target paragraph3