




¢ W.E.Nowvik, Tech Dir,iTVoo




Engitat ak



3 J.A.Tobin, Commmity Dowlopiont Advisor, Marshalls District,TirI.

(On special asgzignaent on Enowotak).

SUDJECTs Info roquested by you in ro specific neods of returning Marshalleaa,
to Enevatak Atoll.

It should be mderstood and emphasized that tho following information is

tontativea. It is based on my knowledge of the Narshalleso in cmeral and
tho former inhabitmts of Enewetek in particular. It is not official
information. Specific angwors must be obbainod froa these people thmselves
before spacific plang and caanitaents ara mada,
When I rolurn to Hajure naxt wocsk I will attaupt to gathar more dabae Howevory
as I told both you and Roger Ray, I fecl that the ansiwera mist come frou the

Fnowatak Poople thenselves and that a meeting on Ujilang between you (AEC) aad

other anpropriate reprosentatives and the cawnnity is absolutely osvontial.

Planning muot bo mutually undorstood and the Gnowetak People must be involved

in sll sisntficmt aspects of the planning. This is, of courso, the avowed and
often stated Trust Territory policy. It will ba of mutual benefit, will facilitate
the operation, and avoid future repercussions if this policy is adhoroed to.

I undorotand that both you and Roger Ray understand this and agroo with ite
The tontalive anawors to you questions follow, in the ordex posed:

1.) We have not boen told exactly
how many poonle will return initially. The
Leadsrs have stated that an
al group wants to como to Jabtan as soon a3

possiblee I am not sure exactly how many this will be. Although a numbar has
been givo to TIPI.
Eventually all, or most of the poople will roturn. Even those fow living on

Najuro (25-30 plus or minus) will roturn if gust to visit. Soue of the poopls
may Wish to live on Ujilong part of the tine and on Enewotak part of the tins.
However a £irm anawer can only come fron the connmitye
The 1972 goverment census, conducted by Narghalloss acninistrative porsonasl

gives a total of 281 on Ujilange With the 25=30 (estim.) on Hajuro and elsavhore
givos a rough population fisure of 350 plus or winus. I bolicve the figure
quoted by tho media to be 400. An up-to-date consus con bo made.

The population is about evenly divided botwoon males and females, It is a young

population with faw vary old poople, and nony children. (I can obtain a dotailod

age-gex broakdom for you I a suro. But it will take tine.).

I think wa cm fo on the asmuption that all of those who possess land rights on
Enueweobtak Atoll will want to return oventually. ALL will insist on having housing

providod as well as oy other benafits available.(Thia is tha voiced dasire of
the Dikini People).

20) I asaume that they will follow the traditional living pattorn and pattern
of oxploitation of the natural rosourcos, That is, there nay bo tio main sottlonents, one on Enovotuk Island and ons on Enjobi Island, tho rospoctiva traditional
"headquertera” of the two socio-political groups: the injobl People (Dri Enjebi)



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