


The papor states that taay will be ala to restors tha islands as tisy were

befors ©..05. ify q-astion is: «Ly con't ther LLL the craters Lait by t.3 atomic
blasts? Wy dontt the: rikl who eraters tert by ths a:oaie blasts? sis ransated

tha quss.ion for emvnasis/,

We vant to mow tiie prior to our return to Ene}

Wetske any con't tnusy rasvore thesas
In Hay when WS Werd on s2a7etax wa aw cratars that resulted fron the testinz.
We saw craters. . Sad Wir tiver usctroction cane frou Pcs. Vhetaar graater or
les3 than FACS wa are ‘#uraia sar Yestoration will be imrossiola. iy psople
do not want to ssa Fuck comuulle

ALL of

tus Snvustak couwuiisy Shouded out in chorus: "8 agree (PCa is bad).

The iagistrate contdiusd: Scaaicdin: of tonnasa of bonbs af holes ta rasult;
4t was in tha paner wa saw, casericed in tha paver per stregah of tonnaree

They ecpLainsd tha Lenwsa, Wiusa, aid ceota of tne holus tiat would be

created by tussa tests, Arser i accu tne urip to anawatak thouzhn { uncerstead
that PACs nag been. ff ney with oy peopls and the wassaze they told me to
conysy to tas military; is tics: Tisy do not vant motoer nole, evan if it is

only 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 fresh!

tney Lurtrer gate t.a% tha -acar wa recaived said tuat ne wWoulcn't creata

holes Larger tuan 100 feat by 300 feat by /V7


& we still uaintsin

and iusist that they snould n
; ot continue tae7 \CS explosions.
If i could co:.pare FACS to a bomb I votld sos te wronzy, ay we know that a conb
dastroys thin-:s, on +216 and

sceen and if we smow tins, tha sotential danunes,

ve saguia mot ds it/Tinsimas ay inat 1a tnera is no wifrarvance tetwasn
PACS and bombs. They are all Tm
I don't Know wheti-r or not you ‘iys cornpar.ud your Life with cur lifes. Onpr Lifs
is not lixs You com Livs trom joke. ca must Liva from thse environient;.

from the Land and the sea ana our lifts is from tuess. Jitaout

theses wa ove

notiminize %8 Go not hava w easisin Lurtner trat snewetax with it3 rosources is

our homeland, Sesinzy tnat you imow tais we co not know way you insist on doing
toisg icr coinyg t2333 tninzs to answesak, vor procezding.

Chorus: PACS I3 EADE


Those of you today nava b-en to unewetak as { have and gome of our psopls haa.
We imow tiat it nas bacn aaiaceda scvyorelye lslaids nave osan destroyed, many
others nave Eeen danazaga. “ne cuesuion 13:

ucS nob unewetak done enouza for

your testbina? i:a cdo not know to vnom you Will toe this, to tis Levartasgnt
of Defense? But we know tuat scneweteak has surfersd enoczh. Lt is enouchl

We do not think that Snewatak is the only placa for your testinz. You: showsd
us pictures olf testing in ew .exico and @lsewnsreewhy can't ‘you test in:Held
iMexico or midway Islonu?



I wilh now giva an s.acple or a parable for Sob Henaye this 1s dadicated to

lob rienny

because he directs the vrojtect ofracefe Tae oaracle is 2 dcudle

exemple. T..ere is a house of Job uenny. it15s 4feat Llonz and 120 feet wida.
There is a kitchen, Liviny moon, badroon, wash housa, toilet, ste.
Bod Henny went om a picknic with bis iaaily and W213 he &s atay I thao

& bulluozsr and proceed to bull.oze uart of his house, his kitchen, etc.

Select target paragraph3