“5A movie of °'C03 II oceration Was thon shown end narrated by Hemny.
A preat deal of irrclevant foottys was shown: loading shits wita tas Fats
equipment, unloading it, e:ce ina purnosa obviously was to show hom uuch

time, eifort xid nonuy 2ra involv2d in this prograa and Siailar Airforce
prosraig. D6 W238 oOVLoOVS UTGoleluate
svents (explosions) in tia Con-inenval U.5.As ware show. Henny stated that

thess ara similarcso events of FACS il if wa hava awproval to do then.
Thess consisted of: a 200 ton cHacce in Golorada, a iCO tons charga herds
A 1CO x 1f50t ceap crater which ragultad, a SCO ton charze whica Left a hola
15 fast daso; a 4c ton sno% in vos “ALhoquereus, Vew ORL COarsa waien Lett

@ crater 3CO fest tora, Liv feat acress and 4O feeb deape
showed tue cr2sor Yilled in.

The final snot -allesacl;

Eenuny thon ¢ava a swmary oftaa PACS Frosrais The Air Fores noro:raa ‘bs to do
the shots on AouSn and “umit, to Lill tha craters in to thar way *hey wers
pefors FAcs beyan. We imow Wa tcco this becacss we havs dons this aany vines

in wie U.G. he assured tic auctence.
If Pacs is a-proved we em do it in air months. Ye can return the Land to the
Way it was,tong Serors tha Clsanimat tes atoll7 is completed, That is why
Ws gay thot 7-0. Wihl not intarferewith -our retin to tne atoll. Jatuar
thm interfere, it will assist to your return.

Perhans you dontt undarstsaic, we will got together and I will alain, Taany
cond Ludud.

Tha Hearing officer, sajor Dew .foldavay,USAr. then teok tha floor and stated:
@udin point of tus ausatin: is woau you think of PACEe ile then asked cazise
trate Suith Gidson wnat me wanted to do.
hrecdidagon stated: Therg ara two ..2in voints. One 18 wnat the sims said:
SRATA FACS9 waich means, riCs is bad. the second point is why of all places

have tnsy sclocted snawatak to tas: thalr bo bs? we Will wait until touorrow
to discuss tie otner coints. ins answers to ti:¢ otter o. ints will ba siven
tomorrow at C7CC ilaiuro iins to tne Air Force ad to the reople of ciswetake
The Hearing officer tum adjourned tie asating -ntil the tine stated.


The hsarinz/convaned
the coun an t

at 100 with the officials, leaders, aid the rest of

in aviendaice.

Hearing officer: Sves anyorie want to seal or to makes a stataasnt?

HM@zistrate: T oring a statscent for nysali

this cormounity.

and on benalf of tha ;aorla of


He then asked t::e aarisnce of inewstek People: Is FASA good? Tha a:dianca
replied in unison: PAC. is bad&i(fha recly was loud, deteminad, and davinitiye.)
MreGidgon: Uhy ia PACs bad? I will start with the pictures I saw last nivht
and yeoterday. Thay showed that ics is bad for our atolle °PACS showed a
dervinits arfect on our Lives and our coumunity and inewetak Atoll. It is bad.

The thinzs I saw wien we visited ESnewatak in ..ay po.nt out what I saw was

sericus danaza to Ensvatak.
Quastions have be:s raised since ths arrival of tas vaper fiebrat “ivirone
montal statovent Snaar?7nere, Ja understand £03 te be asd3 crib= in tae
pSper sent ws -se 4 WLLL e=plain what i read in this paper ir tI aon unjebi

I will near "thander" froa aontne Poul dontt thikk 1% will Buund like thunder. -

Select target paragraph3