

What would bs do to .3 if hs retumns and finds part of his hovse gona? This
is exactly «int bs has dons to .3 on wawetax.
This will conclice mr remarks Yor nowe Fernaog others will sosak.
I ask bob Ceucy ana inose Wilba hid at when taey return to the Devartnent

of Lefensa in Josninetcn, or w isd cite Hougsé and _ zbva then this nessace

and wa hops tnat t2e casgasa that returns to us is that ¢AC8 Will not contimua,
This is tha conclusion oi my roiarus Yor tne seopleae I do not Like 'ACS. We

do not want 1% So continuse «Oo Wont you to take tunis messager
The a:dience (chorus) siouted out in unison: FACS IS BADI

Hearing Dfficer:

Is hhers anyone else in the audience who wants to make a

stateumt racvarding 74c27

Ishmasl Jonn:
I went to add to those words of Snith. cia said "it is emough.?
I restate this: 6 is nora thm enovind we haves cone much and too much rer
the Un:tad Gtates anu J call uscn the paorle to saz PACS is bad?

Chorcs: :4c2 £3 3AD!:


Krdaj Jom:
iroij Jeniet
zs), wisltors, psople, evsryone: J m hasv7y to sae
everyone here s@9
the néeds or ‘jilenz. I wish now to exoress sous of ny
'yeactiona frou tia sovies, slices, and wias I hava 322n you have done to
Enewetax AtOLL ac to tue ‘20cls. £ algo visited and gayv holes in .unawatak
in iiay or LY?2 waan Tf vai Bee if with $a iroit
mo otherge L Can only Say

that waat Smith said, Ye tha s20plea of snewetas do not want PACS :cpntinued,
PACS is badi Sven berore tia “ACs Ccestructioa was considersad tha neoole
were awara tauat tigre was a zreat csal of Castruction to tha Land, environ=
meant, Tish, etCe on unsuetarce
As Bob neiny has requested tiat tie rroject continue, but the poopie know

that barore asiting peri ssionthey /PACH officials/ took the Liberty of

doins tha brogras on auswataiz

Seainz as they have done ths Ganaze before askinz, it is futils for thea to
ask ua now atter the danzase is done, to continua tre prozrani


I have something to say also about the PACS crosraa3 to caescriba

my reacbions to tha agtions of the Air forca, to ths siicsas aid to tra uovies.

Today. w3 diseuss the
actions of tua Air Force on inewetak. J Will giva an
exanplee If i nad some belon tangs (vossas3ions) and samy had some balonzings
and J took his beLlon zin:3 without nia “cermiission, woula this be aLlh ri-tht

with senny? This is the sauea as wnat has ha.omed on snewetake fhere aas
been no rejuest for tha usa or cnewstsak.
In vforld ivar 1] i was esposed to danvar. There was a great dsak of destruction
sround 29 fron btoabs and machine vung. But tnere was none to co:nare with the
destruction on inewatak frou ACL.

Now J wish to sneak of boaubs. the provran on Enewetak is called “ACH. IS isa

our wish that -4Cs not cont-nusa. fa have seen waat it has done on Aomsn
and gunit. It has destroyed toa Land. ise Land that uod gave us is custroyed.

i wish to describe scons of ti.3 results of combs: destruction of birds, rish,

H ae



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