

(Enctosure 3).

You will note that $2,000, rather than $1,000 had been forwarded

and that a per diem rate of $27.00/day was arbitrarily set as an unique exemption _
for this group of examinees,

Jo ashed the secretary For a copy of the messape.

She explained to me that the Xerox machines throughout the area were broken atl
thereCore she made a landyritten copy of the messape, gave me the original copy
amd put the handwritten copy in Oscar de
With this assurance that


personal file.

$2,009.00 vas on its way via the comptex Bank of

America roule, T went to Lhe maneser of the hank and asked what procedure should
be instituted te pick up Unose Funds and make then availabye for the cleaimuats,

explatucd that the check vould be addresiec ta ner prssonatly and thei be would

require a Tether of assipnment [rom me ta the aovernmert

of the Harshath


Lo therefore requested an interview vith the Minister of Pinavee ant discovered that
he had resigned a few days prior (mnelosure 4).

A new Minister of Finaace hed

been appointed and Towas able to contact him and his assistant, Gremt Labauio, on
the following day.

After Icnethy discussions and negotiations it was decided

that L should complete a letter of assignment (ine, 44) agsigming the check te the
Nitdjeta general fund and that all per dicm claimants vould be processed through

the Trust Territory Finanee Office.

IT suggested that sinee this was a "special

ense" with a finite amount of money speeificatly for per diem,
account should be established.

that a separate

The Finance Office stated that this would br:

Therefore it went Inte the General Fund.

peu our party finallydeparted on Friday,

the check had still not arrived and

Lwas unaware of the total payment of claimants who would he bandled under this
special announcemant.

SEPAaay Crear


Select target paragraph3