
direct caommmication belween Najuro and Honolulu.

Our radio comaunication wae y

severe slatic.



exceedingly poor--I could understand approximately one out of ten words due to \
Tt repeatedly stated to Jim that ¥f needed $1,000.00

immediately wired to the bank of America in NMajuro.

In addition,


I asked hin

is to per diem rates and forms and asked who
for immediate guidance from PASO)as
was to take

race of the administrative end of this per dima probten.

Duying the

remaining period in Majuro lL spent approx tunately 80-90% of my time attempting to
v as voable to recotablish
To owe

clavily this problem and dealing with the clatamts.

o a radio blackout imposed by the His site Rang vo

communicat ton with Kvagotein due

J contacted the manager of the Bank of Ancvica

"cabled authorization vf fir.o
thea foruarded by regular iail
ys in transit
be fron 4-5 days



the bank

dim Majura and was inforued that any

the Bank of Awortoa tir Cue

in tajure.

This far erceeded our stay du tlajuro,

afternoon, during, the middlco of our stay at

to Oscar de Bruia,

G9 Vl


on the precedius doy, while

office, she had obtained a glimpse of a messeye directed

the Chief Secretary of the Harshall Islands, and ip the text of

that message she said she saw my name mont foned.
the content of the message.
discovered that he,
Lnevetak Atoll


Majuro while talking with Judy Muepp

of Hicronesian Legal Services, she informed we that
Jn the communications

He estivated thel

Therefore I vent

along vith n OGL of the

She was unaware of the rest of

to Mr. da


office and

mewbers of the cabinet had leCt for

(the PASO office was fully aware that Oscar was on his way to Fnewe

at this time) for the mid September conference,
in the main administration building.


There was no one in authority Lof
J vas able to find a secerclary mn

another area who finally agreed ‘to po through Mr. de Brun's

message File and atter

an hour she discovered a message from our DOK/PASO office addressed only Lo Oscar
de Brun

asking him ta pase

the message on

Lo me.

That messape is enclosed as

Select target paragraph3