time alloted.

However, two important comnaitments vere not completed or were

completely cancelled.

The included:

<A) adequate Cin numbers) pediatric

Dr. Sullivan did a superb job on the patients: that she was able

to see but many children, especially in the study group at Majuro, were not


I have promised the people that we would include a "baby doctor” in

our September-October survey.

These were not in the original plans for that

3B) Yhe Health Educakiion Program vhieh was an important and integral

part of our public relations program could net be started during this survey
due to insufficient time and stuff.

Both of these pr “ews need ta be ad-

dressed indepth duvinog the west survey.

Addittonel areas of interest include:

1) the reimbursement “policy” tor the Bikiuteans, needs dmaediate written
Department of Energy clarification.


Since the medical barthiag souces


forstuff and paticnts ace binwleguate we will neat to restrict the serpe af

the medical cxaminations aud the number of patlouts to be seen in fotere
surveys.1} 1 would recommend that no morn than 8 staff be housed in hold #2.

Phe crey of the liktanur Tl

Master, did a fine job.


presently constituted, with a licensed

I vould strongly recowmend that this same teaia





continue to support the medical surveys for the remainder of the contract.

Select target paragraph3