thyroid patients,
outer islands,

four emergency medical evacuations were brought in from the

The addition of 18 Marshal!

se patients presented serious

problems to the ship in regards to sleeping arcas and food.

I was informed

by Mr. Munk that the ship was "almost out of food" when we returned to
Kwa j aletin.
A few minor problems in chip support developed during the voyage.


1) The cook was very susceptible to seasickness and very Jittle faod

was provided while the ship was underway.
was superb.


His cooking at anchor or at dockside

The mara hatch dog for the watertight hatch batwoen the

medical berthing area and th» head wis fabvicated fron Light strap aluninen
It bent as soon as the ship bemin to roll heavily and the woishe of the door,
smashing against the

insulate !l belkiiead dented it


Again, thes tate

presented a hazard to the medical party in the berthing arca.


A second

watertight hatch leading from the Forecastle to the wel] deck was also scevred
inadcquately with a light hook.

This heavy hatch again broke loose during

heavy rolling and was Einally secured by a line (Please see Fnclosure V, photographs of latches and bulkheads).


‘he cargo containers (vans), that had

been converted into the medical examination rooms developed a number of severe
leaks during the heavy rains.

This restricted our operations on scveral

In addition, the canvas éover betveen the vaus also leaked during

heavy rains.

A rerigging of the canvas and repairs of the leaking roof wilt

be necessary before the next medical survey.

In summary, the addition of the Bikinianus at the last moment

necessitated the rapid modificattou of the stalfing and Jogistic plans.


plans need to be fixed 8~12 wecks before the survey to allow for professional
staff planniug, i.e. the guest consultants teaching schedules and professional
schedule as well as iatcrial Tead time.

We did the best we could with the

Select target paragraph3