
The medical survey group spent one week in Majuro and then moved on to
Ebeye for 34 days.

Dr. Don Paglia unfortunately fractured his foot on the

last day in Majuro and returned to the United States on May 25th.

Dr. Pratt

and Dr. John Lamin (Macshallese Medical Officer) performed a sick cal] while
Dr. Conard screened thyrotds and Dr, Patricia Sullivan cared for the pediatric

On May 25th Dr. Jacob Robbins arrived to join the party for the

outer-island survey.

(Please see Enclosure 11 for a tabulation of pationts

secu for thyroid sereening).

Dr. Conard and Dr. Robbins confined their

examinations to the thyroid.

Dre. Pratt and Laman saw all other medical.

preoblens including full examinations of those patients found to have thyroid
nodules that might require surgery.
Dr. Sullivan continued to see betveen 23-40 patients per day in the
pediatric aza group.

Unfortunately, duce to the large namber of children,

complete pediatric coverage was


We have assured the study proup

that a pediatrician will be recruited to cowplete the cxamination in the

September-October Survey (Please see Enclosure TII for a tabulation of tho
pedtatric cxaminations).

On May 25th Ur. Wayne Munk (Holmes & Narver)

arrived to accompany the outer- islands survey.
day for Rhongelap.

The ship sailed the folloving


The support given to the Brookhaven National Laboratory medical team
by the crew of the Litkanur {1

and Me. Munk was outstanding.

The multiple

discrepancies noted in my previous trip report had cither been fixed or
soine corrective action had been taken (in most cases).

Throughout the

ship-based portion of the survey, the ship's crew and the medical party
functioned as a unit.

The Captain (Keith Cobcarly, Master) of the ship

possessed the requtred certification as a Master (per Brookhaven National
Laboratory's Occupattonal Health and Safcty Guide, dated Feb. 8, 1979,

ZUG .o0Z

Select target paragraph3