Brookhaven National Laboratory -

Marshall Islands Survey

May - June 1979
The second Brooxhaven National Laboratory survey of the Marshall Islands
du calendar 1979 covered the puriod From carly May through mid-June.
see Enclosure I for ‘ttimerary of participants).

This survey was unique in that we lind bee



ee ee
asked to include phystcal

examinations for the people of Bikini - Living on Majuro - in addition to the
repular study group.

The addition of the proup greatly expanded the Lopistic

requiremsents of the survey.

We had originally planned for @ padiatric survey,

sick call and setected thyroid ro -evsamtriat tons of the erposerd +

at ca

Parison populations.

The Bikini group received the complete vorkun Cesignod

for the study group.

This workup required the assistance of two additltoveal

physicians, two technicians, and one adminis: -utive assistant.
A new precedent had been established by the whole-body counling group
shortly before this survey of granting reimbursement to the Bikinians coming

from Edgit Island for the studies.

Each of these patients was to receive $10

for transportation and meals, however, apparantly people other than Fdgit
people received compensation and it finally became a standard procedure to
pay all patients $10 going throuvh the whole-body counter.
An attempt was made to integrate the whole-body counting visit with the
medical examinations but severe scheduling problems arose, requiring several
visits, and payments to many Bikinians.

the medical examination team.

A tatal of 102 Bikinians were seen

Some of these patients required several

rc-appointments to complete their examinations.

Jhe mechanisms and guidelines

for the reimbursement of this proup peeds a carcfulreevaluation and a formal








Limitations as soon as possth




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