February 28, 1980

S 2063

adding at the end of *’(d)” the following new


“(2) For purposes of carrying out any
administration and enforcement required by

exempt from the requirements of such section with respect to income from sources

within the Northern Mariana Islands for its
taxable year beginning after December 31,
this subsectlon, the Secretary of the Treas~- 1980, and before January 1, 1982: Provided,
ury (hereinafter in this subsection referred __ That the Secretary receives written notice
from the Governor of the Norther Mariana
to as the ‘Secretary’), or his delegate, at no
cost to the Northern Marianas government, Islands not later than Septembr 30, 1920,
third reading, read the third time, and may {A} employ eltizens of the Northern that sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of chapter 2
Martana Isiands (as defined by Article III of Public Law 1-30 of the Com:aonwealth
Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD.Mr. President, of the Covenant to Establish a Common- of the Northern Marlana Islands or its sucI move to reconsider the vote by which wealth of the Northern Marlana Islands in cessor, have been repesled in thelr entirety,
effective December 31, 1981,
Political Union with the United States (apthe joint resolition was passed.
{c) It is. the sense of Congress that the
Mr. STEVENS. I move to Iny that mo- proved, Public Law 94-241: 90 Stat. 265)),
or (B) use the services of employees of the term “rebate” as used in section 602 of
tion on the table.
~ government of the Northern Marlana Is- Public Law 94-241 does not permit the
The motion to Iay on the table was lands, upon agreement to pay such govern- abatement of taxes.
agreed to.
ment for the use of such services. In addl3. Page 6, line 22, strike oub “Sec. 301.”
tion, the Secretary, or his delegate, shall and insert in Meu thereof: Sec. 301. (8)
The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 434)
to authorize and request the President to
issue a proclamation designating April
6 through 12, 1980, “National Medic Alert
Week,” was considered, ordered to a

make every effort to assure that citizens of


the Northern Martans Islands (as so de-=
fined) are trained to ultimately assume the

Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President,
I ask unanimous consent that between
the time that the Senate recesses today

and its reconyvening on Tuesday, that the

Secretary of the Senate be authorized
receive messages from, the President
the United States and/or the House
Representatives, and that they mny

administration and enforcement duties required of the Secretary or his delegate under
this section. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the Secretary or his delegete Is authorized to the maximum extent
feasibie in administering and enforcing the

of requested sections of the Covenant, to emof -ploy and train Northern Martana Islands’
be eltizens without regard to United States
Civil Service hiring or job classification laws
appropriately referred; and that during or any employment cellings {tmposed upon
the same perlod the Vice President of the Secretary. The preceding sentence shalt
tha United States, the President of the not exempt such Northern Mariana Islands’
Senate pro tempore, and the Acting eitizens so hired from any other lows affectPresident pro tempore, be authorized ing Federal or Internal Revenue Service emto sign all duly enrolled bills and joint ployees and shall remain In effect until the
end of the third full fiscal year following
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the date of enactment. —
(3) As part of the administration of
objection, it is so ordered.
texes required by this subsection, the SecFetary or his delegate shall establish,at neto the. Northern Marianas government,
& taxpayers information service to provide
Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD.Mr. President, such information and asststance to citizens

Task that the Chair lay before the Senate

a message from the House of Representa-

tives on H.R. 3756.



fore the Senate the. following message
from the House of Representatives:
Resolved, That the House agree to the
amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R.

3756) entitled “An Act to authorize appro-

priation; for certain

insular areas of the

United States, and for other purposes”, with
the follawing amendments:
1. Page 5, after I!ne 2, insert:

Src. 104. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, except in cases in which the

Federal programis terminated with respect
to all reciplents under the program, Federal
protrams in the fields of education and
health care shall not cease to apply to the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or any

successor government or governments, nor
shall participation in any applicable Federal
programs In the flelds of education and

health care by the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands or any successor government
or governments be denied, decreased or
ended, elther before or after the termination
of the trusteeship, without the express ap-

proval of the United States Congress,
2. Page 6, after line 20, Insert:


Sre. 204. (a) Section 3(d) of the Act entitled “An Act to authorize appropriations
for certain insular areas of the United States,
Bnd for other purpeses” (Public Law 95-348;
02 Stat. 487) Is arnencded by inserting “¢1)"
after “(d)" and by tnserting “or upon receipt
of a resolution adonted by both houses of
the legislature of the Northern Mariana Is«
lands accompanted by a letter of request
from either the Governor or the Lieutenant

Governor of the Northern Mariann Islands,"

after “Constitution of the Northern Mar!ina






Islands,” the first placa it appears, and by

of the Northern Marfena Islands (as 50 defined) as may be necessary for the fling
of returns and the payment of such taxes,”
(b) The Secretary shall take such steps
aS Bre necessary to ensure that the proceeds

of taxes collected under the provisions of
sections 601, 602, G03, and 604 of the Covenant (Public Law 94-241) are covered dlrectly upon collection into the treasury of
the Commonwealth of the Northern Mari-

- # Page 6, after Une 24, insert:
(b) Any civil action under section 204

the Omnibus Territories Act of 1977 (91
Stat. 1162) shall be barred untess li is commenced not later than April 1, 1982.
G. Page 10, strixe out Hnes. 3 through 15,
and insert in lew thereof: °
Sec. 403. (a) Subsection 23{a) of the
Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands is
amended by Inserting after the words “and
naturalization fees collected in the Virgtn

Yslands,” the following: “(less the cost of

collecting such duties, taxes and fees as may
be directly attributable (as certifed by the

Comptroller ef the Virgin Islands) to the
importation of petroleum products untill
January 1, 1962: Provided, That any other
retained costs not heretofore remitted pursuant to the Act of August 18, 1978, shall be
immediately remitted to the Treasury of the
Virgin Isiands notwithstanding any other —
provision of law)"
‘¢b) The paragraph entifed “U.S. Customs
Service” involving the collection of customs
duties In the Virgin Islands in the Act of
July 25, 1979, Is hereby repealed,
6. Page 10, after line 17, Insert:
Sre. 405. Any excise taxes levied by the

Legislature of the Virgin Islands may be
levied and collected as the Legisiature of the

Virgin Islands may direct as soon as the

articles, goods, merchandise, and commodities subject to said tax are brought into the

Virgin Islands. —


Sec. 205. (a) Except as provided In sub-

Sec, 405. Not later than two years after
the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the General Services. Administration shall convey, without consideration,
all right, title, and interest of the United

tion, company, or corporation, which is a

former District Court Building (including
the parcel of land upon which said building

ana Islands.

_ Section (c}, any person, including an individual, trust, estate, partnership, assocta-

resident of or which Js organized under the

laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern

Marlana Islands and which is subject to
the provislona of section 601 of the Cove-

nant to Establish the Commonwealth of the’
Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union
with the United States (Public Law 94-241),

shall be exempted from the requirements of

such sectlon with respect to Income. derived
from sources within the Commonwealth of

the Northern Marlana Islands for taxable

years beginning after December 31, 1978,
and before January 1, 1981. Nothing in this
sectlon Shall be construed as relieving such
person from the obligation to comply with
the requirements of section 601 with respect
to {ncome derived from sources outside of
the Commonwealth of the Northern Marlana

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c},

States In and to the property known as the

is located), 48 B Norre Gade, St. Thomas,

Virgin Islands, to the Governmentof the
Virgin Islands.
Sec. 407, Subsection (f£} of section 2 of the.

Act entitled “An Act to authorize the government of the Virgin Islands to issue bonds

in anticipation of revenue receipts and to
authorize the guarantee of such bonds by
the United States under specified conditions,
and for other purposes” (90 Stat. 1193; Public Law 94-392; 48 U.S.C. 15745) ts amended
by striking out the last sentence and inserting
im leu thereof the following lanzuaze: “No

commitment to fpuarantes may be issued by
the Secretary, and no guaranteed but un-.
obligated funds may be obligated by the

government of the Virgin Islands after October 1, 1984. After October 1, 1984, any un-

obligated proceeds of bonds or other ob!!ca-

tions Issued by the government of the Virgin

any person, including an individual, trust,
estate, partnecship, association, company, or
corporation, which ts a resident of or which
{Ss Organized under the laws of tha Conmmonwealth of the Northern Marlana Islands and

Islands pursuant. to this sectlon shall be
repaid immediately by the governmenc of

60! af tha Convenant to Establish the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana

tary shall deduct the requisite amounts from
moneys under his contrel that would otner-

which Is subject to the provisions of section







the Virgin Islands to the lenders’ with the

agreed upon interest. Should there be auy
delay in the government of the Virgin

Islands’ making such repayment, the Secre-,

wise be paid to the government of the Virg:n

Select target paragraph3