H 1222


Approval of economic and humanitar- |

The Clerk read the Senate amendment,

jan sassistunce to the people of Nicaragua “as follows:
Strike out all after the “enacting clause,
would be a hopeful, constructive step in
aiding the country in its time of great and Insert:

need. It would also signal the world that

America stands for international development, the building of strong social and

economic foundations in less-developed



Sec. 101. Section 2 of the Act of June 30,

1954 (68 Stat. 330), is amended by inserting

February 25, 1980

mendations for its improvement os such
committee deems advisable.
(2) At the request of tho Secretary, any
Federal agency shall provide such Informa-

tion, personnel, facilities, logistical support,
or other assistance as the Secretary deems
mecessary tO carry cut the functions of this

program; the costs of all such assistance shalt
be reimbursed to the provider thereof out oF
the sums appropriated pursuant to this sectioa.
(3) All costs associnted with the development and implementition of the plan shall

nations, without which peace and free- after “for fiscal year 1980, $112,000.000;" the
followln;:: “for fiscal years after fiscal year
dom cannot exist.o
- 1930, such sums as may be necessary, includCO 1740
ing, but not limited to, sums needed for
Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Chairman, Imove completion of the capital improvement pro- be assumed by the Secretary of Energy and
gram, for a basic communications system,
effective October 1, 1950, there sre nuthoriced
that the committee do now rise.
and for a feasibility study and construction _to be apprcpriated to tho Secretary of Energy
The motion was azreed to,
of & hydroelsrtric project on Ponape:”.
such sums a5 may be necessary to achieve the
Accordingly the Comunittee rose; and
Sec. 102. The Act entitled “An Act to au- purposes of this section.
the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. BrapEMAas)
thorize certnoin appropriations for the ter“(c) The Secretary shatl report to the
having assumed the chair, Mr. Fotey, ritortes of the United States, to amend cerBppropriate committees ef the Congress, and
Chairman of the Committee of the tain Acts relating thereto, and for other pur- to the people of the affected atolls annually,
Whole House on the State of the Union, powes” (91 Stat. 1159; Public Law 95-134) Is or more frequently If neccessary, on the imreported that that Committee, shaving amended by inserting after section 105, the plementation of the plan. Exch such report
had under consideration the bill (CHE. following new section:
Shall include a description of the health
“Sec. 106. (a) In addition to any other paystatus of the individusls examined and6081) to amend the Foreign Assistance
ments or benefits provided by law to comAct of 1961 to authorize assistance in peusate inhabitants of the atolls of Bikini, treated under the plan, 4n evaluation by the
support of peaceful and democratic Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik, in the sclentific advisory committee, and any recprocesses of development in Central Marshall Islands, for radiation exposure or ommendations for Improvement of the plan.
The frst such report shall bs submitted not
America, had come to no resolution other losses sustained by them as oa result
later than January 1, 1922.".
of the United States nuclear weapons testthereon.
Src. 103. Paragraph 104{a)(23} of Public
ing program at or mear thelr atolls during
Law 95-1234 (91 Stat. 1259) Is hereby amended
the perlod 1946 to 1958. the Secretary of the
Interior (hervinafter in this sectlon referred by celeting all after the word “cause” and
Br. ZABLOCKY. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that -all Members
may have 5 legislative days within which
to revise and extend their remarks on
the bill, H.R. 6081, just under considera=tion.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentleman
from Wisconsin?
There was no objection.



Mr. NEDZI, from the Committee on
-House Administration, submitted a privflered report (Rept. No. 96-784) on the
resolution (i. Res. 575) dismissing the
election contest against ANTHONY CLAUDE
Leacu, Jr., which was referred to the
Housa Calendar and ordered to be

Mr. NED2ZI, from the Committee on
House Administration, submitted a privjleced report (Rept. No. 96-785) on the
resolution (H. Res, 576) dismissing the
election contest against THOMAS DaSCHLE,
which was referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.

ask unanimous consent to take from the
Speaker’s desk the bill OH.R. 3756) to
authorize appropriations for certain insular areas of the United States, with a
Senate amendment thereto, and concur
in the Senate amendment with amend->
The Clerk read the title of the bill.

to as tha ‘Secretary')

shall provide for the

people of the atolls of Bikini, Enewetak,



and for the people

of such other atolls as may be found to be
or to have been exposed to radiation from
the nuclear weapons testing program, & pro-

gram of medica! care and treatment and environmental research and monitoring for any

Mjury, Hiness, or condition which may be

the result directly or indirectly of such nuclear wenpons testing program. The program
shall be implemented according to a plan

developed by the Secretary in consultation
with the Secretaries of Defense, Energy, end

Health, Education, and Welfare and with
thea direct Involvement of representatives
from the people of each of the affected atolis
and from the government of the Marshall
Islands. The plan shall set forth, as appro-

priate to the situation, conditién, and needs
of the individual atoll peoples:

“(1) an integrated, comprehensive health
care program including primary, secondary,
and tertiary care with special emphasis upon

the biological effects of fonizing radiation;

(2) a schedule for the periodic comprehensive survey and analysis of the radiological status of the atolls to and at appropriate Intervals, but not less frequently than
once every five years, the development of an

updated radiation dose assessment, together
with an estlmute of the risks associated with
the predicted human exposure for each such
atoll; and
“(3} an education and information program to enable thepeople of such atolls to
more fully understand nuclear radiation and
its effects;
“{(b)(1) The Secretary shell submit the
plan to the Congress no later than January 1,
1981, together with his recommendntions, If
any, for further legislation. The plan shall
set forth the specific agencies responsible for
implementing the various elements of the

plan. With respect to general healthcare the

Secretary shell consider, and shall include
in his reconimendations, the feasibility of

insertiog in lieu thereof the following words,

“ even if such an Individual has been compensated under paragraph Ct) of this settion.”.

Sec. 201. (a} The salary and expenses of

‘the government. comptroller for the Northern

Mariana Islands shall be paid from funds
appropriated to the Department of the Interiar.
(b) Section 4 of the Act of June 30, 1954,
ag amended by section 2 of Public Law 93111 (87 Stat, 354) Is further amended as
(1) strike the words “government cf the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Isiands” wherever they appear and Insert in Neu thercoft

the words “covernment of the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands or tho Northern Mariana Islands,";

(2) after the words “High Cormmissioner of
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands”
insert the words “or Governor of the Northern Marlana Islands, as the case may he’;
(3) wherever the words “Hi!gh Commis-

sioner” appear and are not followed by the

words “ol the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands” insert the words “or Governor, 25
the case may be,"; and

(4) after the words “District Court of
Guam” insert the words “or District Court
of the Northern Mariana Islands, as tha case
may bs".

Sec. 202. Effective October 1, 1980, there

are hereby authorized ta be appropriated

to the Secretary of the Interior $24,400,000
plus or minus such amounts, if ony, xs may
be justified by reason of ordinary fuctuations

in construction costs from Octeber 1979 price

levels as indicated by engineering cost ine
dexes applicable to the types of construction
involved, for a grant to the Commonwealth
of tho Northern Mariana Islands to provide
for health care services. No grant may be
made by tho Secretary of the Interior pursuant to this section without the prior approval of the Secretary of Health, Education,

and Welfare.
Sec. 203. Subsection (gf) of section 5 of
sultation with the Chairman of the National _the Act entitled “An Act to authorize ap-.

using the Puble Health Service. After con-

Academy of Sctences, the Secretary of Energy,
propriations for certain insular sreas of the
the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary
United States, and for other purposes”, npof Health, Education, and Welfare, the Secre- ° proved August 18, 1978 (92 Stat, 492), Li
tary shall establish a scientific advisory comamended by changing “not to exceed $3,000,mittee to review and evaluate the implemen000° to “such sums ras may he necessary, bul

tation of the plan and to make such recom-

not to exceed $3,009,000 for development,”.


Select target paragraph3