February 25, 1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE TITLE ITI--GUAM 6rc. 301. Subsection (c) of section 204 of Public Law 95-134 (91 Stat. 1159, 1162) Is amended by celeting tho second sentence of said subsection. Sec. 302. The Act of November 4, 1963 (77 Stat. 302), to provide for the rehabilitation of Guam, and for other purposes, ls hereby amended as follows: (1) {tn the first sentence of section 3, de- - lete the comina after “United States” and delete the words “with Interest as set forth below,” cad (2) nfter paragraph (c) of section 3, delete the last paragraph before section 4 and in-sert in Neu thereof: “All amounts heretofore withheld from sums collected pursuant to section 30 of the sald Organie Act as Interest on the amounts made avatlable to the government of Guam pursuant to this Act shall be credited as reimbursement payments by Guam on the wee principal amount advanced by the United States under this Act.” Sec. 303. Scction 11 of the Organic Act of Guam (64 Stat. 387; 48 U.S.C. 142328), as amended, is hereby amended by deleting all after the words “December 31, 19d0.", and substltuting the following language: “Tho Secretary, upon determining that the Guam Power Authority is unable to reflmance on reasonable terms the obligations purchased by the Federal Financing Bank under the fifth sentence of this section by December 31, 1940, may, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury, guarantee for purchase by the Federal Financing Bank; end such bank ts authorized to purchase, obi{gations of the Guam Power Authority issued to refinanca, the principal amount of the obligations guaranteed under the fifth sentence of this section. The obliga- tions that refinance such principal amount shall mature not later than December 31, 1990, arid shall bear Interest at a rate determined in accordance with section 6 of the Federal Financing Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 2285). Should the Guam Power Authority fail to pay in full any installment of interest or principal when due.on the bonds or other obligations guaranteed under this sec- tion, the Secretary of the Treasury, upon notice from the Secretary, shall deduct and pay to the Federal Financing Bank or the Secretary, accordiug to their respective interests, such unpaid amounts from sums collected and payable pursuant to section 30 of this Act (44 U.S.C. 1421h). Notwithstand- ing any other provision of law, Acts making appropriations may provide for the withholding of any payments from the United States to the government of Guam which may be or may become due pursuant to any law and offset the amount of such withheld payments against any claim the United States. may have against the government of Guam or the Guam Power Authority pur- su2nt to this guarantee. For the purpose of this Act, under section 3466 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 191) the term ‘person' Includes the government of Guam and the Guam Power Authority. The Secretar? may place such stipulations rs he deems appro- priate on the bonds or other obligations he guarantees.”, TITLE IV—VIRGIN ISLANDS Sec. 401. (a) Subsection (b) of section 31 of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Istands (48 U.S.C. 1545(b)), as amended, fs further amended by numbering the existing paragraph “(1)” and by tho addition thereto of the following new paragraph: "(2) Subject to valld existing rights, title to all property in the Virgin Islands which may have been acquired by the United States from Denmark under the Convention entered into August 16, 1916, not reserved or retained by the United States in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 93-435 (88 Stat. 1210) is hereby transferred to the Virgin Islands government.”, . _(b) The Gencral Services Administration shall relense from the mortgage dated January 26, 1972, given by the government of the Virgin Islands to the Administrator of the General Services Administration. approximately ten acres of such mortgaged land for H 1228 provided, If otherwise authorized by law, such services, facilities, and equipment may be made available without reimbursement. Sec. 604. Any new borrowing authority provided in this Act or authority to ct, ; payments under this Act shall be effecth —x only to the extent or im such amounts ‘a are provided in advance in appropriation construction of the proposed Saint Croix armory upon payment by the government of the Virgin Islands of the outstanding principal due on such ten acres. Acts. : Sec. 605. (a) Prior to the granting of any license, permit, or other authorization or tiation of the lease of real property on Water Island in the Virgin Islands to which. the transportation of spent nuclear fuel or highlevel radioactive waste for interim, long- Sec. 402. No extension, renewal, or renego- United States is a party may be entered into before 1992 unless such extension, renewal, or renegotiation is specifically approved by Act of Congress. . ’ SEc. 403. (a) Subsection 28(a) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, as permission by nny agency or instrumentality of the United States to any person for the term, or permancnt storage to or for the storage of such fuel or waste on any terri- ~ tory or possession of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior fs directed to transmit to the Congress a detatled report on the of the Act proposed transportation or storage plan, and no such license, permit, or other authorization or permission may be granted naturalization fees collected in the Virgin occur unless the proposed transportation or sald duties, taxes, and fees from August 18, 1978, until Januaty 1, 1982,"", , cleanup and rehabilitation of Bikini and amended by subsection 4(c)(3) of August 18, 1978 (92 Stat. 487, 491) ts amended by inserting after the phrase “and Islands,” the phrase.“less the cost of collecting, except any costs for precilearance Operatlons which shall not be deducted, of all of (b) Section 4(c)(2) of the Act of August 18, 1978, ts amended by Inserting the phrase “less the cost of collecting all of said duties, taxes, and fees, cccurring before January 1, 1982," after the phrase “the amount of du- tiles, taxes, and fees’’ wherever the’ latter phrase appears. Sec. 404. Subsection (d) of section 4 of Public Law 95-348 (92 Stat. 487, 491) is nor may any such transportation or storage store plan has been specifically authorized by Act of Congress: Provided, That the pro- vistons of this sectfon shall not apply to the Enewetak Atolls. : (b) For thse purpose of this section the words “territory or possession” Include the Trust Territory of the Pacifio Islands and any area not within the houndaries of the several States aver which the United States — claims or exercises soveretvuly. Sec. 606. .(a) Sectton @ of the Act of March 2, 1917 (“Jones Act”), as amendea (48 U.S.C, 749), Ig amended -by adding the the last sentence thereof: {TITLE V--AMERICAN SAMOA “Wotwithstanding any other provision of - Sec. 501. The salary and expenses of the ” Jaw, as used in this section (1) ‘submerged government comptroller for American Samoa lands underlying navigable bodies of water’ . include lands permanently or periodically shall be paid from funds appropriated to thi covered by tidal waters up to but not above Department of the Interlor. : hereby repealed. ...-- so * following after ‘Sec, 502. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon the request of the Governor of American Samon, administer and enforce the collection of all customs. duties derlved from American Samoa, without cost to the government of American Samoa. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Governor of American Samoa, shall make every effort to employ and train the residents of American Samoa to carry out the provisions of this section. The administration and enforcement of this section shall commence October 1, 1980. TITLE VI—MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 601. Title V of the Act entitted “An Act to authorize certain appropriations for the territories of the United States, to amend certain Acts relating thereto, and for other purposes” (91 Stat, 1160) shall be appiled with respect to the Department of the Interior by substituting “shan” for “may” in the last sentence of subsection (da). the line of mean hizh tide, all lands under . lying the navigable bodies of water in anc®:. around the {sland of Puerto Rico and the ~ adjacent Islands, and all artifically made, filled in, or, reclaimed lands which formerly were lands beneath navigable bodies of water; (2) ‘navigable bodies of water and submerged lands underlying the same in and around the tsland of Puerto Rico and the adjacent islands and waters’ extend from the coastline of the island of Puerto Rico and the adjacent islands as heretofore or hereafter modified by. accretion, erosion, or reliction, seaward to a distance of three marine leagues; (3) ‘control’ inchides all right, title, and interest In and to and jurisdiction and authority over the sub- merged lands underlying the harbor areas .and navigable strenms and bodies of water in and around the island of Puerto Rico and the adjacent islands and waters, and the natural resources underlying such sub- “merged lands and waters, and includes pro- “Sec. 602. (8) Any amount authorized to prietary rights of ownershtp, and theacights be appropriated for a fiscal year by this Act of management, administration, lensing, use, or an amendment made by this Act but not and development of sucit natural resources appropriated for such fiscal year ts author- “and submerged lands beneath stich waters.”. ized to be appropriated in succeeding fiscal (b) Section 7 of the Act of March 2, 1917 years. (“Jones Act’), as amended (48 U.S.C. 747), (b) Any amount appropriated pursuant to this Act or an amendment made by this Act for a fiscal year but not expended during such fiscal year shall remain available for is amended by adding the following after the last sentence thereof: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, as used in this expenditure in succeeding fiscal years, sectton ‘control’ includes all right, tllle, and interest In and to and jurisdiction and av- Government may be made avaliable, on a re~ cludes proprietary rights of ownership, and the rights of management, administration, lensing. use, and development of such prop- Sec, 603. To the extent practicable, services, facilities, and equipment of agencies and tnstrumentalities of the United States imbursable basis, to the goverriments of the territories and possessions of the United States and the Trust Territory of the Pa- cific Islands. Reimbursements may be credited to the appropriation or fund of the agency or instrumentality through which the services, facilities, and equipment are thority over the aforesald property and in- erty.”. Mr, PHILLIP BURTON (during the £ reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous #- consent that the Senate amendment bé considered as read and printed in the Recorp. : '