The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 22
with Dr. Shields Warren presiding.

Dr. Charles L. Dunham
DR. DUNHAM announced that there would be a small tripartite meeting

prior to the United Nations Committee meeting on October 22.


purpose is to exchange information on methods of analyses and
methods of sampling and collecting fallout.
Representatives from
DBM together with four or five representatives of England and a
couple from Canada are expected to participate.

DR. DUNHAM then asked Dr. Paul Pearson to discuss the strengthening
of the University of Tennessee farm program.


Paul Pearson

At the May, 1955 ACBM meeting in Oak Ridge, it was recommended that

a committee be appointed to study the University of Tennessee-AEC

program. Plans were discussed with Dr. Waters,
President of the University and his staff who expressed accord with the proposal.


As a result, a

committee was appointed consisting of Dr. E. C.


Stakman, Dr. Jenson and Dr. Harry Kornberg.

It is

expected that they will pay their first visit to
Oak Ridge during the next month or six weeks. They
have been asked to investigate all aspects of the
program including the competency of the contractor and the personnel.
It 1s believed that the University shares the belief that the pro-bliem should be strengthened.


At this point DR. WARREN proposed that a continuation of the pre-

vious day's discussion of the training activities be conducted.

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