
vuring the description of the training program
DR. BURNETT had remarked several times that there

were several important decisions to be made as to
its implementation.

The principal question is just

how is the money to be spent.

He expressed the

opinion that perhaps the Commission is taking a far

too restrictive attitude on the use of the educational
money by limiting its use to equipment. Whereas, it was his opinion
that much of it should be used to support personnel. DR. DUNHAM
expressed the opinion that the General Manager's office was concerned about the establishment of grants which would be perpetuated
indefinitely. An example was given of the NIH cancer grants offered
to medical schools which have resulted in annual $25,000 allotments
to every medical school.

The meeting was recessed at 5:40 p.m. to be resumed at 9:00 a.m.

the following day.


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Select target paragraph3