such programs were conducted at Harvard, Duke,


and New Mexico with varying results. The
Harvard program seems to have been conducted in

(continued )

avery satisfectory manner and the program was

reported Lu were veen most effective. At Duke
University the program appeared to be fairly

good; but at New Mexico, the program results
were less satisfactory. All of the last group of students were

selected from the state of New Mexico in contrast from the

other programs which drew from much larger sections.

In addition,

the New Meyvico students appeared to have had poor backgrounds
whicn may be an indication of the educational level in that

section of the country.
The establishment of a more elementary
course in New Mexico has been considered for next year.
A considerable discuaston fcllowed as to the relative merits of
adjusting the level of the course to meet the needs of the locality, but no conclusions were reached.


A small budget item has been provided for the establishment of
a radiobiology lecture series through the National Science

Foundation and the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
A series of three to five-day lectures are to be provided at
universities where such service are not normally available.
Lecturers will be furnished from within the AEC program and

their transportation and per diem paid during the lecture per-

It is expected that lecturers will travel only short
distances from their normal headquarters.


A small allowance bas been made for establishing isotopes laboratories in some of the schools of public health.

A request was made for funds for biology and medicel training

reactors, but this program was transferred to the Division of Reactor
DBM may request a specific biology or medical training

reactor program from Reactor Development whenever appropriate.


this point there was some discussion as to the mechanism by which
these reactors would be built and to determine in what way they
would integrate into the DBM educational progran.

In response to 4 question by DR. BUGHER ar to the power levels of
such reactors, DR. DUNHAM explained that a reactor of a few watts
is planned.
The Argonne National Laboratory had been asked to design such a reactor.
It will cost SpProximetey $100,000 including
the building.
Its flux is about 10°77 to 10°
at the surface of
the fuel elements and may be used for activation analyses, the production of short-lived isotopes, as a neutron source, for certain
small animals and micro-blology studies and also for general edu-

cation in health and safety problems. DR. BUGHER remarked that the
figure of $100,000 appears to be quite high. A general discussion
followed concerning small reactors recently advertised in scientific

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Select target paragraph3