Dr. Charles W. Shilling
Dr. Shilling was asked to report on studies made by an informal
committee which had met two days previously.
The committee included, in addition to Dr. Shilling, Dr. David Bruner,

Dr. Burnett, Dr. A. K. Solomon of Harvard, and



Dr. John Cooper of Northwestern.
Dr. Solomon has
been responsible for the isotopes training program

at the Harvard Medical School which has become a
regularly given elective course and Dr. Cobper was
one of the first to set up an isotope laboratory

where training is given for both students and under-

graduate students on an elective basis.

This ad hoc committee

arrived at a number of general conclusions as follows:

The public law as amended allows the AEC to give "grants and
contributions to the cost of construction and operation".
was interpreted as giving the AEC a specific charter not to make
contracts, but to give gifts for construction and operation of

After an extended discussion by the Committee of the interpretation
of this "charter" as it is applied to medical schools, hospitals and
teaching hospitals, it was decided that a grant could be used for
the cost of construction and operation of reactors and other
facilities and equipment in order to meet the need for medical doctors trained in the use of isotopes in research and in treatment.

It was further agreed that support should be made available upon

application by any medical school designated as Class "A" by
the AMA.

This incidently would include support both for Hawaii

and Puerto Rico, but would probably eliminate Canada.

The second conclusion of the ad hoc committee resulted in considerable
discussion of the advisability of using AMA designation as a criterion.
DR. BURNETT indicated that osteopathic schools would be ruled out
in this manner. DR. DUNHAM indicated that the experience of the
Public Health Service in their grant program showed that any such
wording would subject the Commission to considerable pressure and
recommended that the wording merely refer to classification as a

medical school.

He also told of experience in isotope distribution

whereby the AMA designation was challenged and an exception was made.

Since a public announcement will be necessary, the wording should be
such that an unfavorable response would not result from various

pressure groups.

It was the general conclusion of the committee that reference to
the AMA be deleted.

The ad hoc committee decided that the available funds were to be

utilized in any manner that would best achieve the stated pur-

pose of initiating or improving education in the medical aspects

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Select target paragraph3