to ee aBe ed ae ES . UNCLASSITIE SUBJECT: et . 7" aw * = 30 April ‘ 3 Survey of Rengel2p and Utirik Atolls” ion received, and Rongelap itell s} the effacts of the radi visited quarterl R oitemination th Lu, . yet wai “3 pa 5 cateT The survey re a, UTIR (1) a Sever2l r to monitor the decay days after the last CaSTLE shet, Fririk Atel The contaminatio levels now present 2t the two 2tells are Endicetcd in should be inspected again ty RedSafe personnel of JTF SEVEN Jor AzC to determine whether or net additiaal contamination his ocecurfed. If neo increase in axtermal rzedistion end food and water contaninafion levels is noted, the returmof tne natives may te undertaken withopt delay. Inclesure 3, Research analysis of the focds and water celbcted is being => - made by N2UL and NYCO. (2) CLICPACFLT snovld 4 asitemate a crofject cfgicer toc (2) CINCP..CFELT snould desimate and mexe avaplible 2 sup dinate tne activities cf intarested 2 agencies in the natives. r which will trarscort the Utirik natives and their telenginfs from Xwejelein back te Utirix. In addition to the few personal eflebts the natives have with thor, the following items snow.d ce meved to ULiPik. These Stems should te assembled ty the CINCraCrFLT projsest office in coordtnation with the local Kwajalein representative of TLRPaCio) end the Zunds fer necesserv purchases should be provided by Jir Savas: (a) Used Lumber, 2lready made avallabld ty ComNavsta Kwajalein, (>) Flour, salt and other stanle itexsfof fcod suprlies adcauate for me moth. (c) Limited amounts of mails, windcw zgfess, and medicz:l supplies js cetermincd| cy oroject afficer in coordination wifh resentative cf T=ePacisS (d) 10,000 gallons of fresh water to fPush and refill Utirix cisterns, (e) UNC aS riED metel reefing