cee ee ee ha a re ee “aspaosat = Ysa nyoF HEADQUARTERS TASK FOES > SEVEN APO 187 (ECW), ¢/o Dostaaster JOLT vo S2n Fran cisco, Calirornia 19546 Commander, Joint Task Force KPO 187 CHOW), c/o Postmaster SEVEN ee S San Francisco, California Commander in Thief, Pacific Navy No. 128, c/o Fleet Post Cffice Sén Francisco, Californias References: a. 4 Seve vot ay Za ve 20 "Return of Inh-citeants of dated S wel ap - ee Uririx to their b, ft a ha TP SEVEN, 14cC422 Agri Ce aa reler aa aVays j ly ct od 0 o 3 er wee a . oJ oO mat 5 ib (uct yt pee u In accordance with the provi sions of Survey farty visited nongelap and ! tirix Atelis durin April 1954. The mission or the Survey rarty wea to 4 ’ Must te taxen prior 25 the ; urn of tne native pons from wnich they were evecuatted 2arly the initial detcnaticn of the ASS test series. dan a2 Survey party is fread cicated in Inclosure 1, oa marr . tivities of the su surve: party, “ineluding otservatians co + atolls, is prese nted me in Inclosure 2, 3. In general, the conclusi ons af the survay planning f*ctors cutlined in refersomce 3a, me natives may be returned to their hemes shortly arter series. ( the other hand, the turnea to their hanes for 200roxim * ely ene year. 1 mended 25 the plarning date far the return to monzgels or lie £0 Monitor ti Remgelazon shouid be exanined pert taal wat he ~c renng SoM Tees’~ rent oe aia a Sap. ae 7api eiameoaes looee aw 7 H-$7 TAIALT AR oe tru) SS D 3 2. i)pe Messaze, CINCPAC to CHO, 16C5C1Z April aw O c. a CINCP.AC * L. | +t wb © "4 F TO: ao um Pied § G3IFISSVIONN Gales SNIWLS SUaTaCT