™ -Oll : Ore 2l5, AR a iTe7e rr? 2 Marshell Is., “ee sare July 12, i675 ea esen no (Feees 2 Poa Le oor lie te ve. tees np © ~~ ¢72 & MANAGEMENT REVIEW DIVISI PROGRAMSUPPO ON RT OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS/REGION DSF concerning c the United & of .-icronesia thet L€ ‘ations Trusice- © inoacres 2... 20n te 28 Por vour e#elp. vaweili and my vermuenent university in in «toll. LoS ~ 7 rlcive cs iris 2... .li Letter 2 an ccing te address some of the problems fcc coon .ec.b° G7 the L.2. nuclear testin .rorrazv. as rou are wnde in Lay, wet rustees..ip « , it Vee e © Agreement ¢ ; = at . "and te "pre abi ZL. n.tf i cninct inc Loss cf t.eir land ans resources." t two montns travelling throughou. tne -ars ells - te tue Dot iis t.at can oni- be reached by bo.t - intervievinrs differnt many tap ost weer le oc. tv € Droulems tier lave experienced fran the radioective Scllovt from tie ere are sane of tie things 1 have learned: DOLL Lili’. int mr lo.é, prior to the first test series of "low yield" atomic bomrs at Bikini, résigenic cl iexceler ani nearby atclls were evacuated as a precaution. <ight veers én irave wat detonated - the largest bomb ever exnloded akove ground (720 tine. lieser then earlier tests) - none of the people were ev:cuated and several are: vere sericuclr contaminated wit: snow like fellout on Roncelep and Utirin. r : ton monitcring personnel on én atoll clese to Zonrelas were evacur- er ie test, but the Rongelap peopic were net evacuated Tor ere tauc cempounding theri radiation problems. Zr 265° (three vears after tte Brevo shot), with no extensive rediolcsicel survers eccrnducted, the peo.le of zongelep were told by the Atomic -nerg: Torm-ission thet t eir ctcll wos safe for retabitation "despite slipnt lingering redioactivity" anc éllowec te return nome. Fellovine a court suit in 1975 which forced the AEC/ beni. of onercz: te do 2 radiolozicel surver of the northern lars’ 2lls, the DCa's 167° rerert stows thet Aongelap 'as, on some islands, radiation levels close to =i ' 2 e tests were conducted. Bikini has been declared unlivable for 5G ite the AEC's cssurarnces of Kongelap's safett, t <¢ peorle have b nteminated atoll for more than 20 years. Tre ceople of Utirik were also contazineted by rravo, but with atoutn 1/10 Zongelap dose. Accordingly, the AEC reacsured then continually trat they sould icv: no probiess - however, in 1977 there wes a sudden ju.p in tne cancer and equalling tat of the mich more heevily exposed Rongelap people. thyreid wad Ne ee prople.s Che sparican doctors admitted they had been completely wrong in their predictions. TOse mer reve te or arr ge: rN eae nae ey tem OM cenes toa oeey = on Powerit poimenegon mn wpe oe TOTNES . BT, , qu an voy