402048 - = ' . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE pec RIGHTS REGIONAL OFFICE 1275 MARKET STREET, 14TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94103 rR JUL 20 1979 g@enpr. Ruth Clusen, Assistant Secretary seaeacor the Environment yr Separtment of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. 20545 Washington, D.C. (In reply, please refer to Docket No. 09-79-4095 ) { ){ | | Dear Dr. Clusen: We are sending you a copy of a complaint received by the Office We have reviewed the complaint and determined for Civil Rights. that the allegations fall outside our jurisdiction. We believe that the issues of this complaint may be within the jurisdiction of your office. We have advised the complainant that we are referring a copy of the complaint to your office for action. Thank you for your help. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to cal] us at FTS 556-8367. Sincerely, = MMcabubpiye wweJ Jean Kresy-Porée, Acting Director Program Review and Management Support Division Enclosure