‘3 ct [4 fh ct (A OQ ctw a to ceorverated iris cerpusis comtainsted i allese diet, arrocrec: (si ile. ercducins on ever islanl in i 25 étellis assert tat tue Lot crocuce er nave mutated. * Bree aven lNaetionel Laboratory (cn contrset to tre ADC/OCL) is che concuctin>e regular medical chceks on the exnosed peorle and is responsibl vidin> for the ~ecples!' healt’ care. But instead the Azo doctors have cor misleec tie pecrle about their radiation excosure (the Viirik ard Pikini si are exacrles of this). ~ subrit that the r r problems cid met end wit’ in loff - that in feet t fust beginning te be Felt. result of colicies wid eer Tormulated from very suc of tre radiclocical inp fu highlights the criti native pcint of view. s ére in direct conflic sibility tc rretect te ve pecple. i strongly us coverm.ent sould crevide funds for sciertific survevs cf t exexinetions of tre peoric py indeperdert doctors and scien to the DCa, ...d tlose personnel shouls be chosen ty --ars..7 Zut on ten of this, I would like tc invite you and representztive to come te the larsualls to investizate t'ese and other pro de hence se tuat you ca noun U.S. has not lived up to its obligations under ti.e U.N. Trustees> ~ r éAgreement and inrany ca ses has beer in direct violation of it. The resulting ra disztion cM, problems that #r e now becoming evident ere just part of t.e problem facin & dear. recple ™he sna ee ae wt Lee ee