aceuracy is based primarily om variations in the individual dosixeters
due te respense characteristics ané station shielding effects.


variance of a partioular type of dosimeter at « given lecatien was 15 percent.

2.3.1 Inittel Exposure Calibration. ‘he radiation spectrum of a
1d-lev dbetatren (3.5-Nev effective average energy) is believed to apprexi-

mate the initial speetrun ef a mrlear detomation.

Te ebtaia correction

fectors, WBS has exposed yhotogrpghic dosineters to Co™ anf to the Naval
Craénance Laboratery 10-Mer betatron on Several occasions {n the past 5

years (References 2, 3, 4, 15, and #5). Examination ef these results

shows that the correction factors are e fumction of the particular shotegrayhic emilsion, batch, anf age.

Dasef em previous work, the correctéqh

factors for the exulsions used during Refiwing should probably vary between
0.80 and 1.00.

Air Force Special Weapons Center (APSW), in cooperation with Los

Alexos Seientifie Laboratory (LAS) anf Evans Signal Laboratory (ESL) has
exposed film to the Godiva Bare assexbly at Los Alamos in order to staly
the effects of neutrons en ghotograyhic emiisions.
the film sensitivity for neutrons ts relatively low.

Results indicate that
This experiment also

yielded efditional date on rate dependence ef these exnisions in that
there was no significant ehange in emilsion response due to « gamma rate

ef exposure of 1 r/sec as eompared to 107 r/sec for equivalent total



The neutron sensitivity ef filxz is considered to consist cf two


1) e response to low-energy (therzal) neutrons, and 2) a


Select target paragraph3