yielé thernevuelear deviees detonated st Bikini Atell.

In omer that

oe true measure could be made of initial game refiation, a requirennt
ef the measurenents was to enable separation ef initial from resiéul

guma reiiation.
Measurements of the residual game exposure rate and decay rate
were required at know times fer stations instrumented fn so contaminated
field, anf efter all shots, te allow extrapolation of resiéual exposure
measurexents to tines other than recovery time.

For those stations et

which snitial gums Gata were recorded, residmal-field gaume exposure rate

measurements were required to allow for correction of the initial date te
account for the effecg of the residual garma field.

The initial exposure values, after correction for betatron ealibititon
end shielding effects, are accurate to within 3 percent, iacluhing errors
@ue to calibration, reafout, directional response of the film, and processing.

Gris aceurecy percentage 1s based on previous experience.


indivifusl cases where the residual game econtaxrination was properticnately larger, the accuracy nay be reduced, particularly ia those cases
where the residue) ganm contamination was estimated.
discussed infividually as they appear.

These cases are

The photograghic and quarts-fiber

dosineter reafings are generally recommended as being most reliable on a
etetistical basis, since thay were put out in large minbers and in may

ranges. at each station location.

Statistical variation for these infivi-

dual detectors was vithin 10 percent.

ST, Loum US

The residual exposure values, after eorrection for shielding effects
and energy response, should be accurate to within 5 percent.



Select target paragraph3