A2 - page 7
for the Pacific proving ground is included.
Under the section entitled "Discussion" four areas are det ined as basic for
the conduct of this study and they are:

a) types of future tests envisioned,

b) the organization best suited to retain DOD testing capability, c) the
level of readiness to be maintained

in the EPG,

in terms of personnel,

equipment and facilities, and d) the adequacy of AEC-DOD agreements pertaining
to nuclear testing.
It is noted that for planning for future testing, the main tests under
consideration at the present time are those concerned with TRUMPET and
JERICHO at the NTS and WILLOW in EPG or JI and the open sea.
As for testing

in various environments

in the future, the working group

created a sub-committee to study a "test when ready concept".

They felt

that the two most probable testing scenarios would be completely contained
underground shots or out-of-the-atmosphere shots, missile launched from
Johnston Island, with the former presently having an existing capability
at the NTS.

Based on this, the sub-committee's efforts were directed toward

a shoot when ready concept for out of the atmosphere shots.
particular concept they stated the following:

For this

"This concept is defined as

a method of conducting nuclear tests,as a requirement develops,


limited only

by the time period to prepare for +hisscientific and technical requirements
of the experiment.

During the time frame considered (an eighteen month

lead time as required for operation WILLOW), the Army will have completely
reactivated Johnston Island for its Nike Zeus test program.


can be made with the Army to support nuclear tests launched from Johnston
Istand, using the same people who would already be there for support

Select target paragraph3