A2 - page 6
maintenance stand-by status and that expenditures should be limited
on EPG to those funds necessary to prevent deterioration of essential
facilities to the point where their replacement or repair could cause
a long-term delay in getting tests underway.

I+ would appear reasonable

to assume that after receiving the authority to resume testing there
would be a period of nine to twelve months before extensive firings
would commence.

In the section entitled "Facts Bearing on the Problem," significant facts

noted include "JTF7 under current JCS directives is responsible for
directives for and conducting tests involving nuclear weapons and devices
outside the continental U.S.

When deployed in the EPG, CJTF7 has been

jointly responsible to the DOD and AEC and in this capacity is responsible
for the EPG and all related activities.

During the period between tests,

the EPG, except for the military support,

is a responsibility of the AEC."

Further, the Army has programmed for the development of JI for launching
missiles for the Nike Zeus test program with jurisdiction scheduled to pass
from the Air Force to the Army on or around

| January 1960.


it is

stated that the EPG is the most suitable land mass outside the conus for
conducting atmospheric tests.


it is stated "guidance from higher

indicates that the closing of EPG at this time,


could have serious political and psychological consequences".
heavy investments there as well as the possibility of

if desirable,

Also, the

important usage for

various other agencies is noted.
The missions and detailed responsibilities of joint task force 7 during
operation HARDTACK are detailed in Appendix B to enclosure F.
The 1959 agreement between the AEC and the DOD on costs and responsibilities

Select target paragraph3