A2 - page 5
believed reasonable to make a limited amount of preparation for this
type of testing so that it could proceed,

if permitted, with minimal


High altitude tests higher than 50 K which is the Limitation of
detectability of the Geneva experts system:

this form has some

probability of being permitted in the future, which is much less than
the probability of contained underground testing and that it is more
probable that it will

be undertaken from J!

than EPG;

no extensive

preparations for these tests are felt to be warranted due to the low
probability but the pessibility is sufficiently great that investigations
and plans for this type of testing should be kept under continuous review.

Very small yield atmospheric tests at the NTS or elsewhere within the

such tests have very little probability of early resumption; any

detailed planning or preparation is not warranted.

Atmospheric tests on or over the open sea or under water:

this form

of testing seems to have a slightly higher probability than atmospheric
testing at EPG but still

Little chance of being undertaken due to the

general opposition to atmospheric testing; sufficient planning and
investigation is warranted for these types of tests as necessary to
prove phere feasibility and address the resources required to undertake

: should not be to the extent of making any substantial

expenditure of funds or talent.

Atmospheric tests at EPG:

Early resumption of this form of test even

with Limited yields has an extremely small probability although the
probability of such tests in the very long-range future is hard to
determine especially if there were a severe break-down in relations with
the Soviet Union;

it is believed that the EPG should be placed on

Select target paragraph3