A2 - page 8
for the Nike Zeus program.

The only remaining requirement for a complete

shoot when ready capability would be for a test director and staff (exclusive
of forces from the services).
to remain at Johnston

Few if any task force personnel would have

Island full


Rather, as a test program, the

test director and his staff, together with the forces required, would
deploy to Johnston istand and be supported by the existing base complement
under the terms of previous agreements and proceed to conduct the tests.
Any action to implement this concept for testing should be made on a decision
to resume testing, but consideration should be given at this time to prevent
entering into any agreements or obligations at Johnston Island which may
later preclude this concept from being implemented. ‘
Under a discussion of the organization for future testing the responsibilities
of the DOD versus the AEC are discussed and it is noted that where the AEC
conducts proof tests of weapons designs they also have been responsible
generally with determining the diagnostic information for the general tests.
it is further stated that where initially the AEC undertook substantial
effort to determine effects information in various environments, with time
the responsibility for effects determination had been taken over in large
part by the DOD.

In relation to the new DOD responsibilities given to DABA

it is stated that "DASA under its new charter, has the responsibility for
supervising DOD atomic weapons test activities and for assisting in operational
evaluation tests ot atomic weapons systems involving nuclear detonations
and coordinating other DOD programs for investigation of atomic weapons effects.
In supervising the conduct of full scale DOD weapons effects tests, DASA"
has a variety of responsibilitysthat are enumerated here.

The study committee in trying to determine what type of organization and
what fines of command or control

best served the interests of both AEC and DOD

Select target paragraph3