14, The proposed organization and pesponelbilitics of the

Joint Task Force are sct forth in Enclosure "I", with a chart
for ready refercence.,

Ts facilitate cperntional control,

it ts

believed that one of the Joint Chicfs of Staff should bo designoted as the Exccutive Agent for the Joint Chicfs cf Stafr.

15. That a joint dircctive should be issucd fireediately Por
the formation of the Joint Task Purce to conduct piocf-test
operation for not to cxeced three firings of etonle woanuns;
that Buiwetek should be approved as the site for the proving
ground; that proof-testing should begin on or about 15 April

1948, and operations continuc for approxinately six weeks; and
that the principles governing cooperation between the AEC and
the Joint Task Feree,

together with the outlinm. plan,

shoull be

referred to the AEC for its concurrence.

16, It is recorended that the Joint Chiefs cof Staff:
‘A. Approve the target date of 15 April Lolo, tho oxast
dates and tines of firings to be the decision of the Trust

Force Cormander, and the selection of Eniwctolk aa the
proving ground,
b. Approve the statement of policics in lincicrurcs


and "C" and the proposed organizotion and responsibilities
in Enclosure "I",
G. Dispatch tho nomornndw: in Enclosure "J" requesting
the concurrence vf the AEC to the recommendations set faith

in this paper.
a. Upon coneurrence vw? the AEC to the pocorrionmdations

of this paper, dispatch th. runcrandun in Appendix "PF" t.
Enclusure “"H" te the Seexctary of Lotions.
Ge Designate one of the Joint Chiefs of Starr as the
Exccutive Agont for the Julnt Chicfs of Staff fox th. Task



Select target paragraph3