3, The United Statcs jilr Force will bo responsible for
furnishing photographic service, both for ground and air phetos,
the scope Will include all historical and tochnical photoyprnvhy.
9. The Radiological safety wnit vill assist the Task Pores

cormander in carrying out his responsibility for the radiological safety of a11 personnel,

Detailed deLircation of the

duties of this unit may be found in Enclosure "BE",
10, Communications are outitined in Enclosure "P", and provide
facilities for both the Task Group and the Atoutle Energy Corm-


Cormunication facilitics will be previded jointly

by the Arny, Navy and Air Force,
11. Mctcorolugical service will te provided primarily by

the ir Force as outlined in Encloaure ."G",
12, a. A total of 140 natives now residing In the mniwetchk
Atoll must be evacuated by, and to puints selcctcd by, the
High Cormissioner, Trust Torritery, Pacific Islands,


probler: of cvacusting natives fren the Roti Narwr ares of

Kwajaloin Atoll would be vorowhat greater.
b.. On Eniwetok there arc approxhantely 5006 tens, on
Parry Island approxinately 4000 tons and pogsibly 200 tens
on Engebi Island (a11 in the sare Atoll) cf surplus property

which has been seld to the Chinese but which they have not
as yet removed.

It is propesed to work out a plan with the

Forcign Liguidation Commission olthsr to rotiwwn this pr opurty

to smerican control, cxpedite its ronoval by the Chinese, or
if this cannot be accomplished, to move it to anothor
13. the outiine plan for participation of cach servieo eunucrual

is set forth in Enclosure "II",

Appendix "F" to Enclosure "i"

proposes that 4 dircctive to the services be issued by the Deupertments of the Army, Navy, and “Air Force to implement this plan,



Select target paragraph3