1 pair of Rad-Safe shoes

1 pair of booteesfor each embarkation and disembarkation

of personnel to and from aircraft or vehicle, etc.
1 pair of appropriate gloves (cotton, surgical, work, etc.)

1 respirator (to be worn if needed)

Ingstence was made on the use of Rad-Safe socks and shoes so that, in the event of contamination, no personal clothing would be lost. Al) items of clothing found contaminated were
confiscated by the Decontamination Group. For personal items this necessarily involved administrative procedures which were undesirable.
On return from a mission the vehicle, boat, or aircraft was met at the check point by the

check-point officer, the personnel were monitored, and appropriate instructions were issued.
By means of signs and verbal instructions, personnel were guided to the personnel-decontamination station in the south end of the Rad-Safe Building on Parry Island. This center was
located very conveniently near each of the check points so that ‘tracking” of contamination
was held to 2 minimum. On entranceinty the center, personnel disrobed, discarded protective
cloth'ng and item3 of equipmentinto the approzriately marked containers, showered, and then



passed into the drying room, where they were again monitored. if “clean,” they passed into
the “clean” change room, retrieved their personal clothing, dressed, and returned to their

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organization. If found still contaminated, they were returned to the shower. In several cases,

localized “hot” snots were {cund on the body extremities; these were safely decontaminated by

applying a hand brush and more soap.
Various chemical solutions and complexing agents were available to aid in the decontami-

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1 pair of coveralls
1 pair of Rad-Safe socks

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1 fatigue hat


nation, but their use was not necessitated.

After bathing, no cases of lingering contamination were noted. In several instances, where
vehicles and/or equipment were found to be above the permissible limits, storage in the contaminated storage area allowed this contamination to decay to within permissible limits within

a very few days. In no case was any item of equipment “deadlined” for more ‘han five days as

2 result of its being a radiological hazard.
Contaminated clothing and personal equipment were allowed to decay to within permissible
limits and were then laundered. Snoes were cleaned by brushing with a stif{ -bristie brush. No
cases of contaminated respirators were noted.

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Select target paragraph3