The Decontamination Group provided the necessaryinstallations and operations for protection of personnel against the effects of radiological contamination outside the area of contamination. They did so by providing personnel-decontamination stations, equipment-decon-

tamination areas, and entry and exit check points.
They established a personnel-entry and -departure contro! syatem to ensure a regulated
procedure of decontamination. They prescribed appropriate decontamination techniques for
naval task elements and lent technical assistance to Holmes and Narver (H&N) personnel in
the decontamination of heavy equipment.



The activities of this Group were divided into several phases:
1. Equipment decontamination. A control check point was established at the boat landing
just north of the personnel pier on Parry Island. Departing vehicles had their interior surfaces lined with paper. AJl landing craft with vehicular or other mobile equipment were instructed to land at the des‘gnated boat landing, where the control officer of the check point
monitored the equipment. If it was “clean,” the equipment was moved to its destination;if it
was contaminated, the equipment wa~ moved to the decontamination area just above the lending
area, where decontamination procedures were applied. Steps consisted in removing paper
lining (when applicable), sweeping, and hosing with high-pressure water jets from the decontamination apparatus. If these procedures were successful, the equipment was released for
removalto its destination. If the procedures were unsuccessful, the equipment was moved to

the contaminated storage area in the field just north of the Rad-Safe Building on Parry Island.

Work was accomplished by the decontamination team, which consisted of three enlisted men.

__ This team worked at all decontamination areas on call from the appropriate control-checkpoint officer.
2. Small boats. In general, the same methods were used for smal} boats, with the exception that paper: lining was not used.
3. Aircraft. A control check point was established at the airstrip on Parry Islaad. Aircraft departing «1 missions into highly contaminated areas had their interiors lined with
paper. On return from a mission the paper liners were removed as required, and the interiors
were cleaned by brushes and industrial-type vacuum cleaners.
4. Personnel. Prior to departure of personnel for the contaminated areas, complete suits
of protective ciothing were donned. This outfit consisted of the following:


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