Pacific gradually deteriorated, due to the formation and srowth
of typhoon JOAN, which formec| in the TRUK-PON.PE area, pursucd
an erratic course while growing gradually in strength, and finally
passed 180-200 miles northwest of ENIVETOK on a northcasterLy

By H minus 30 heurs, duc to the approach of JOAN, Local weather
Wis very unfavorable because of cloud and rain,
dicted however, that the

It was pre+

weather would be satisfactory by H hour,

and that the currently perfect upper winds would romain favorable
until the afternoon of GHONGE Day, then would become unfavorable.

(Typhoon JOAN, to the wost and south, hac induced south and south-

west winds at all Levels to 50,000 feet ~ a perfect fall-out pat~
torn for a hich-yield shot).

The H minus 16 hours briefings was atbended by porsonnel responsible for dronc instrumentation who pointed cut that reeent and
continuing heavy rein was sroducins difficulty in electronic equipment, and thas the drons program would suifer 1f presently schedwled H hour was adhered to, because of difficulty in drying out


The forecast for satisfactory weather and excellent upper winds
wac achered to, and GEORGE Day was confirmed by the Conmondor,
with I hour changed to 0930 to assist in the drying out of eLectronics cquipment and to permit drone operations in daylight.

furthermore, tha winds verc forecast to be Irom the southwest
and this intreduced the additional opersticnal diffiewlty of

tekeoffs LOO? from the normal direction.

Special weather bricfings continucd (2200 8 May and 0145 9 May).
The forcecast remained unchaned,


Precipitation stepped at about 1800, 6 Liay, and a gradual improvement ain the weather began,

Winds «loft persisted stron: from the



By 0800, Q bay, lorge breaks began to appenr in the lower and
middle clouds.

At O900, the jmmdedioete ENTTETOR area was covered

with about 5/10 cloud with a large holo approaching the shot island,

«sb 0930 the large broak in the clouds was centered over-



Select target paragraph3