ted to report cloud and shower activity every 15 minutes, starting
at H minus 75 minutes,

ASW aircraft patrolling the area bearing

north through southcast from ENGEBI were ordered to submit weather
reports every 15 minutes.

The Weather Central was ordercd to in-

crease the frequency of uppcr wind soundings,

This effort marked

what is perhaps the most intense cffort in the history of metcorology for a single place end short time.


As BASY day approached the weather bricfing schedule was modified

to permit more latitude and less physical strain on the command

The first formal bricfing was schcduled for H minus 30

hours, with information to be furnished prior to that time based

availability of information and changes in tho weather of

intcrest to the command,

It was soon evident that the now pro~

cedure had merit and flexibility,
On EASY minus 3 days, a forecast for average trade wind weather
was issucd,
On EASY minus 2 days, decroasing trade wind velocity and consequent
minimum cloud and showers were forccast for shot day,

This out-

look continued unchanged,


ot the finel briefing (H minus 6 hours), a forecast for minimum
cloud, no showers, and an increasingly favorable upper wind situation was issucd,


The operation proceeded on schedule.

The intense effort to pro-

vide special information was succossful to an outstanding degree,
and the forecast verificd in every detail.


Results of particle fall-out research were
immediately apparent,

Fall-out occurred precisely as forccast,



Because of the Large expected weapon yicld, radio
logical safety

was established by the Commander as the
most critical of all wea-

thor criteria, cven to the extent of sacr
ificing portions of the
drone PPOEr
am, QLom
nte ofof phot
’ rag?,
f and
And other
5 important

bub not critical prograns,


As GEORGE day approached s weathe
r over a large part of the Cent

Select target paragraph3