the shot island, and GEORGE was detonated under perfect conditions of wind and weather,




Normal weather requirements wore cstablished for ITEM Shot since
the yield was not expected to be excessive and because no special
instrumentation problems were anticipated.


At informal weather bricfings preceding ITEM Day, normal trado ~
Wind weather was forecast.


Atthe first formal briefing at H minus 30 hours, continued trade
wind weather was forecast with the upper wind pattern tconding to
become less favorable.


At the H minus 18 hours briefing, the weather outlook continued
favorable but the upper wind pattern was forecast to be only conditionally favorable for H hour,

It was recommended thet H hour

be moved up as much as possible, and the Commander decided to detonate the weapon at one half hour before sunrise,

At the H minus 6 hours briefing, the previous forecast was confirmed and plans for detonation at one-half hour before sunrise

continucd. ©


Woather conditions at H hour were extremely favorable with no

rain, and yory little cloudiness.

Light fall-out occurred over

the southern part of the ENIWETOK ATOLL because of tho upper wind

The decision to advance H hour was undoubtedly vory

fortunate 325 a later H hour would have produced considerably more
fall-out over inhabited islands.

Select target paragraph3