18. Prepare shot-time aircraft positioning plans and
coordinate the integration of TG 7.3 aircraft with
CTG 7.3.

19. During shot periods, assume overall positioning control of task force aircraft, other than security

forces, operating in shot areas.

Relay instructions

to TG 7.3 test aircraft through CTG 7.3 on the Bai-~

In the event of interception of unidentified
aircraft in the shot area, relinquish control in the
area to CTG 7.3 for the duration of the defensive
20. Augment CTG 7.2 personnel as necessary to support
TG 7.4 at Enewetak Island.
21. Provide decontamination crews and facilities for
TG 7.4 aircraft at Enewetak Atoll and assist TG 7.3
in aircraft decontamination as required.
22. Assist TG 7.2 in emergency evacuation of personnel
based on Enewetak Island.
23. Support TG 7.1 as directed by CJTF 7.
To implement these functions, the task group was organized into three
units, the Test Aircraft Unit (TAU), the Test Services Unit (TSU), and the
Test Support Unit (TSuU).

The function of the TAU was to operate and maintain the aircraft used
in support of the TG 7.1 scientific program.

The TSU's function was to

operate and maintain the aircraft used in support of the test operations,
@.g., weather reconnaissance, documentary photography, and search and res-


TheTSU also supplied airways communications services and operated

the major air facility of the PPG at Enewetak and the airstrip at Bikini.
The TSuU's function was to operate and maintain the aircraft used in the
Enewetak-Bikini airlift, weather island resupply, and the intra-atoll air~

lift on Enewetak.
Figure 15

Personnel strength for TG 7.4 is shown in Table 7.

(see Chapter 2, p. 86)

illustrates the relationship among the

several units.

Task Group 7.5 (Base Facilities)
TG 7.5 built the scientific stations required by TG 7.1 and the camps
and other support facilities required by the task force, except for some

Select target paragraph3