
Technical and report photography


Airborne direction of sampling aircraft.

Conduct weather reconnaissance flights to provide
Task Force Weather Central with required data.
Operate task force weather stations at Enewetak,
Ponape, Rongerik, Majuro, and Kusaie, and support
TS 7.1 requirements at weather stations.

Resupply weather islands utilizing PBM aircraft made
available by Kwajalein Naval Air Station.
Operate an interatoll air transport system between
Enewetak and Bikini and dispatch C-47 flights to
Kwajalein and other atolls as required.
Operate an intra-atoll airlift system at Enewetak,
utilizing liaison aircraft and helicopters.
As required, detail helicopters and associated personnel to CTG 7.3 to augment the TG 7.3 intra-atoll
airlift system at Bikini.

Conduct task force administrative flights and flights

to maintain the proficiency of rated task force

10. Provide SAR coverage in the forward area with the
assistance of CTG 7.3.

ll. Control and position flights for official observers
as required by CJTF 7.

12. Operate and maintain an AOC on Enewetak Island.
13. Provide supervisory personnel for the task force AOC
aboard the Estes during shot phases.


Provide the senior naval aviator of 1 7.3 -- Air

Defense Element at Enewetak -- with data and communications facilities to maintain air security of
the Enewetak portion of the Enewetak-Bikini area.

15. Operate airdrome facilities at Enewetak and Bikini
atolls, except for POL storage facilities at both


16. Provide and operate complete Military Air Transport
Service (MATS) terminal facilities at Enewetak and
coordinate MATS traffic management with CTG 7.2.

17. Provide Airways and Air Communications Service (AACS)
as required in support of task force operations.



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Administer and logistically support the Task Force
Weather Central.

Select target paragraph3