permitted land transportation from construction camps to proposed zero

thus allowing more time during the workday to be expended on the

job rather than in commuting by water from base islands.

Some artificial

islands were created as shot points and instrument locations.
Floating data-collection stations compensated for



lack of land

These were used extensively in the nuclear radiation program.


chored rafts and buoys, serving as fallout-collection stations, were
placed in the lagoon and in the open sea.

Ships also acted as fallout

These offered the advantage of moving to the most desirable

collection areas, that is, areas of heaviest fallout, and following the
fallout within the limits of their speed.

Two ships were modified for

remote Operation and control from other locations or below decks, where
heavily shielded quarters protected skeleton crews and scientific parties.
Barge-mounted test devices, a technique first used in CASTLE, also
compensated for the lack of land at the PPG.

This allowed the available

land area to be used for the placement of measurement instrumentation and
reuse Of the same burst point without the long delays required for radiological cooling by ‘natural decay and expensive and long decontamination
procedures, as described for the GEORGE crater of Operation GREENHOUSE.
Reuse of zero points also allowed use of instrument locations and recording shelters for multiple tests, saving construction costs and time and
increasing test-scheduling flexibility.
The use of shot barges, however, precluded the acquisition of some
weapon development data that required a precise line of sight between the
test device and the recording instrumentation.

Barge movement by lagoon

currents was minimized by special mooring techniques, but not to the degree necessary for

some measurements.

The barges also precluded use of

the pipe runs required for some other diagnostic measurements.
Shot barges fitted well into the two-atoll testing scheme that was deve oped for CASTLE.

Enewetak was the base of operations and Bikini was


Select target paragraph3