shielding from the crater's nuclear radiation to the surface operations.
Scientific stations were built on Dridrilbwij for CASTLE, the island next
to the Eluklab crater, and no mention of special difficulties due to radiation is made in the construction report, although personnel film badges
were still required.

Bikini was the location of the first postwar nuclear detonation.
July 1946, the CROSSROADS tests were conducted in the lagoon.

devices were detonated:


Two 23-KT

one airburst over a target fleet, and the second

burst underwater in the lagoon about 2 nmi

(3.7 km) west of Bikini Island.

There was no continuing radiological exposure of personnel on the surface
at Bikini from these tests, although there was very-low-level contamina~

tion in the lagoon bottom.
Special Problems in Oceanic Testing
Testing in the Marshalls offered a large uninhabited area for test ac-

tivities and for the favorable disposition of the test debris if the winds
were in the right direction.

However, the area was almost all water, of-

fering little dry space to place shot towers, instrumentation shelters,
test structures, or places to live.
is only about 1,800 acres
southeastern quadrant

At Enewetak Atoll the total land area

(730 hectares), and the prime acreage in the

(about one-third of the total)

the task force not based on ships.

housed that part of

The land area of Enewetak Island, the

largest of the atoll, is only about 320 acres

(130 hectares), and about

half of this was occupied by an airstrip and associated activities.


thermore, the land suitable for testing was not necessarily distributed in
the appropriate directions and sizes for instrument placement.

Lack of

land area was one of the factors necessitating use of both Bikini and Enewetak atolls, starting in 1954 with CASTLE.

The addition of Bikini also

precluded damage to the Enewetak facilities by very~large-yield devices.
The lack of land was compensated for in part by civil engineering projects.

Causeways were constructed that linked strings of islands to support

the long pipe runs of some experiments over thousands of feet.


These also

Select target paragraph3