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Figure 9.

Eneman Camp, Bikini, looking south-southwest, CASTLE.

low activity of alpha" on the shot islands and only small "pools" of activity within 1,000 feet

(305 meters) of the craters formed by the explo-

These areas were covered with soil during that year;

a radiological

survey in March 1950 showed less than 0.001 R/hr on Enjebi and Aomon and

an average of 0.002 R/hr on Elereron.

On Runit the general radioactivity

was 0.0015 R/hr, but some of the old shot tower footings showed 0.012 R/hr.
After a third survey in April and May of that year,

it was concluded that

no possibility of overexposure to gamma radiation existed on any island of
the atoll and the wearing of film badges was discontinued

(Reference 6).

detonations were on Enjebi, Eleleron, and Runit

and apparently left these islands and other areas contaminated.


and ITEM tower residues were left in place on Enjebi after GREENHOUSE.
Shot GEORGE of GREENHOUSE left a large radioactive crater on Eleleron.


first thermonuclear


detonated on Eluklab in 1952

during Operation IVY, destroyed the island and left an underwater crater.


Select target paragraph3