built to link them.

This causeway was constructed from onsite materials

and shored on either side by bulkheads.

Before the CASTLE series got

underway, Eneman, Lele, and Bikdrin islands had also been linked with the
airstrip islands to form a complex 3 miles
wheeled vehicles.

(4.8 km)


traversable by

Additional causeways were constructed in 1953 that

joined Iroij, Odrik, Lomilik, and Aomen islands in the northeastern arc of
the Bikini islands.

A causeway westward over the reefs from Nam in the

northwest portion of Bikini was also built during 1953, terminating at an
artificial island that became the detonation point for BRAVO, the first
test of the CASTLE series.
Camps were also built on Nam, Lomilik, and Eneu to house construction
workers building the

island complexes.

test-related structures on or

islands and

According to the directives of the AEC, all construc-

tion was to be of an expendable nature.

near these

A petroleum, oil, and lubricants

storage area was also built on Lele to serve the main camp on Bi~

kini at Eneman.

Figure 9 shows the Eneman base camp viewed from the la-

goon looking south-southwest.
for the KOON device.
line shaved down

The large building in the center is the cab

The island to the right is Enidrik and has a blast

its center


the KOON test.

Radiological Conditions in 1954
The CASTLE planning literature refers to a detailed and comprehensive
survey of the radiological condition of the islands at Enewetak in 1954
just before CASTLE.

No record, however, has been found of this.


fore, in order to assess the possibility of task force personnel exposure
to ionizing radiation while preparing for CASTLE,

it is possible only to

discuss the test activities that had taken place at Enewetak and introduce

any anecdotal or partial information that is available.
Enewetak had been used for nuclear tests in 1948, 1951, and 1952.


detonations on Enjebi, Aomon, and Runit left portions of

these islands contaminated.

In February 1949, a survey party from the

Hanford, Oak Ridge, and Los Alamos laboratories of the AEC found "a very


Select target paragraph3