


Negotiations are going on presently between Saipan
and Atomic Energy Commission but no answer as of yate


If AEC does not want tks housos which is liloly, thoy
will bo roturned to the landownor with rental throuch
July 30, 1957,


MoKay gava us Distad permission to start negotiations
with Mor Jorout about school use of the building3,

Going on the information from that conference wa began dis»

cussions with Lomor about the possibility.

At test, he is a

aifficult man to deal with end. unsurs of his position concerning
the buildings and the land,

This is probably a result of the

languags badrier ard tho fact that he has navor scen a translation
of the agroement nor has a copy of ths lease,

His negativo attitrde

tewards ths idea, wa bslievs, also stems from his well knom™m poor
social relations with the ccmmunity and gensral intolerancs of


Ws finally secured verbal approval after soms tedious

diseussion by late July, 1967.
At this tims also we undergtoc®

a school building and

renovation program sponsored by Peace Corps Washington on behalf
of the Utirik Council.

We did this with the hope of finally cecuring

at least some of ths structurss and ronovating them for school use,
This pregram offers the maximum amount of $1,000 donated by an
American elementary or high school for a 25 % or $250 cormunity


The criteria to qualify for the program are as follows:

Suitable land and clear title available,


Community must provide 25% of the return,
There will be no pay for labor providede-materials only.
The foundation of a new building must be installed


<A stadle political and sooial structures must exist.




Solid construction plans.

prior to release of funds or approval.

The Community must bewwlilling to inform the U.S. sponsors

how the money was spent and progress on the sehool.
Ne obligation exists between the schools when tha
construction is completed,

Select target paragraph3