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As is evident the outstanding criterion anid the only one not
yet completed by the Community is the first one, that of a clear

land title and base to work from,

Before we undertook this prograr,

the details of which were passed over radio WSCO Majuro, ths

Trust Territory radio network, the automatic started on the radio
gonerator broke down (June 7, 1967) ani the loss of two-way contact
with majuro slowed down information considerably until August 23,

1967, when the generator was fixed during a regular field-trip

On August 28, we had a conferencs with Assistant Distad

Robert Law concerning the buildings am land title; he passed to
us the following information at that time:

As of July, 1967,

AEC megotiated a renewal of ths

present lease with the High Commission's office for

the utirik complex.

The Heaith Team needs three buildings for periodic


We should contact Saipan to obtain written permission
for sohool use, Robert Law at that time said ke woulé
Craft a formal letter to the High Commissioner fron

inspection and will continue to hohd the title,

Bistad Marshall for the AEC during the following week,

The landowner needs written permission himself from

AEC before he can part with the acre unéer and around
the complex either by sale ($500 per acre according

to standard Trust Territory cuter island price) or


On Utirik itself the job cleaning up had begun daily during
the last days of August.

In a4 concerted three-week drive the teachers

and students of Utirik Elementary School cleansed the debris and

underbrush from around the buildings and scrubbed down the insides
of the buildings with coconut husks, sand and seawater,


the last week before the 196761968 school year opened on Septenbe

18, the local PTA joined in and parents, teachers, and children
alike hand gathered and carried coral rook from the lagoon to fill
in the grounds.

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