vur conoern witn the atomio Energy vommissiou structures
here on Utirik centers around securing decent sohool facilities
for the Vommunity,

«as of now under vervai agreement with present

landowner and seemingly authorized caretaker .omor Jorout, we are
using four buiiadings in the complex for our school plant (tnree
complete structures and the 35 foot generator house,)

As is plainly

evident it is kept clean and weil taken care of by the 85 pupils,
five teachers and the looal r.T.A..

The progress so rar is yet

superricial for ths utirik vonmmunity as the buildings stiil seem

in an inadcuate status.
we began imjuiries to determine their final disposal in march,
1967, at a dinner party in Majuro at the uome of vhester sainuma
in a discussion with vr. Robert vonard and wre bushess manager, uF,

we inouired tnen as to what their feelings would be

towards the use of these oulidings for elementary svhoui and they
gave their verbal agreement.

after talking with them, we proceeded

to converse with the vistad's office and seoure permission
as iuform them of our pians,

as well

in conferences with uwght Heine and

his assistant kay MoKay very 1ittas xnow.secdage as to sEC


was available hut they said, however, that they would make inquiries
and at that time, as far as they were concerned, community use of
the structures was fine,

When we finally arrived on Utirik on April 10, 1967, we met
and spoke with Lomor Jorout on whose land the buildings are situated

and who, by contract, we found out later, is the technical caretaker,
We did not start negotiations with him until after a May 25 radio
conference with Ray MoKay who informed us on that date that:

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