Greenhouse to Stay


gust 18, 1977

3) Cement and sand for tower installations - Assuming that the tower
anchors and piers can be prefabricated at Kwajalein we will need 25
bags of cement and 4 yards of sand or coral aggregate for site preparation.
4) Rebar for tower installations ~ We will need a total of 72 feet
of 1/2 or 5/8" stock. We can cut it to size, but for your information,
our "working size'' pieces will be ~3 feet.
I had also spoken with Kris Morris and Bill Streenan about rental
or loan of a back hoe and a "portable" cement mixer to go with us on
the LCU.

I understand that these are available from Martin Zacchary

at Kwajalein, and we would appreciate you making the arrangements for
their inclusion on our October voyage. We will have a qualified
rigger and heavy equipment operator on our team for this trip.

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As far as the LCU configuration for this trip, in addition to the

aforementioned back hoe and cement mixer, we will need the standard

bunk trailer, the jeep and jeep trailer, and sheltered storage for
the cement and sand.

We expect to have a team of six people from BNL, and our objectives
will be as follows:
1) Install a second air sampler at Roi-Namur (there is an existing
sampler on Kwajalein Island) for control samples in our radionuclide
resuspension study.

Install wind generators and air samplers (one each) at Utirik,


and Bikini Islands; and, set up the air samplers for contin-

uous unattended operation.

3) Collect air samples with portable equipment from the aforementioned
sites while the team is on station. These samples will be used pré-

marily for mass loading and particle size analyses.


Collect urine samples from selected Marshallese residents at Utirik,

Rongelap and Bikini as part of a continuing effort to obtain unequivocal

bioassay results on possible plutonium body burdens. Our thoughts are
to have 4 to 5 local residents "live" on the LCU during the five days
on station at each location. We can insure in this manner that the

samples remain free of ambient soil contamination, and that a sufficient

sample volume is collected from each individual to exceed our detection
limits for Pu and other radionuclides of concern. It is expected that
the LCU would provide meals and sleeping accomodations for these people.
We will try to identify individual subjects through discussions with
the BNL Medical Group, and will relay the names to you so that (hopefully) the people involved can be notified in advance.

Collect environmental samples at all stations as part of our contin-

uing environmental monitoring program.

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Select target paragraph3