Greenhouse to Sta


-4 -

August 18, 1977

I understand that Bill Schell from the University of Washington

may wish to join us on this trip for some marine sampling work at
Bikini. Dr. Conard has also asked that we provide space on a con-~tingency basis for Dr. Knudsen in the event he does not make the

September medical trip.

Our crew (6) will be arriving Honolulu “October 1 and would like

to depart for Kwajalein on October 3,
Coincidentally, our whote
body counting crew (4) for Enewtak will be arriving the same weekend
enroute to Enewetak via Kwajalein possibly on the same Monday MAC flight.
We will provide your office with names, firm dates and other details
within two weeks.
Your efforts in our behalf in preparing for this trip are greatly

appreciated. I will continue to provide your office with further details
as they develop. Please do not hesitate to call me if I can provide
further information, (FITS 664-4207). Thank you in advance.
“a regards,

N. A. Greenhouse
Project Director
Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Praegram

R. B. Conard
Cc, B. Meinhold
T. F. McCraw
R. Ray

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