os oem ‘ee meter of air, ‘averaged over 4@ period’Of: oh hours :: In the- case of par” cles having diameters in the range of zero to five microns, the 2h--h averaged activity per cubic meter should not exceed 1/100 of the abov nor was it desirable that any individual particle in this size range have an activity greater than 10-¢ microcuries calculated 4 hours af the shot. Although the air activity near the surface following JAN shots was about 10 times greater than following BUSTER detonations, n activity was found that exceeded the requirements of the Jangle Feasi, bility Committee. The margin between the required and observed air activity was smail, which indicated the necessity for continuing suchfair sampling programs at future tests. The responsibility for monitoringfair. activity beyond 200 miles, and within the continental limits of the United States, was assigned to the Health and Safety Divisionof NYOOp. : , ye a These data are being correlated for further study and use. AEC personnel shelter test. The first preliminary report on this iv _project of Operation BUSTER was submitted by the Project Officer (Chibf, Civil Defense Liaison Branch) to the Test Organization on December 3, 1951. The preliminary report of the FCDA shelter test was submitted through the Civil Defense Liaison Branch to the Test Organization on December 6, 1951. WG Subsequently, FCDA fas also asked to designate a representative to a companion committee tof per- form the same functions with respect to tests of effects on structurgs, under the chairmanship of the Chief, Civil Defense Liaison Branch. iso represented on the Structures Committee are the LASL, the Public Buifidings Service of the General Services Administration, and the Department Defense. Direct and Genetic Effects of Radiation in Mammals Current data on biological effects of radiation in mammals hdve been assembled in summary form by Dr. H. H. Plough of the Biology Bfanch. This memorandum outline représents a compilation of much of the Lit@rature on the subject and lists many references. The paper will be dfstributed to the various Divisions to serve as a working summary in Biscussions of permissible radiation dosage or expected genetic effectpB. Copies are available from the Biology Branch for those who may have an interest in tne subject. Low Level Portebie Cobalt TIrradiator tg A pilot model portable cobalt irredcietor was developed by tie guTTTTETTTTamanSean, . . Test Planning and Screening Committee. On December 10, 1951, fan invitation was extended to FCDA to participate in a.Biomedical Test Planning and Screening Committee established to receive, screen, dev@lop, and coordinate requirements and proposals for biomedical testing at future weapons tests, and to elaborate a final and scientifically vafid program for formal approval and implementation. 4 ,oF DOE ARCHIVES