
Weapons Test Activities (BUSTER - JANGLE)
Project. Gabriel. Project Gabriel was ‘an evaluation of long-range

hazards associated with the detonations of a large number offatomic air

This report and the deliberations of an _ad hoc
hoc co

met in November were given further consideration in s
a taff

utilizing additional data from BUSTER-JANGLE data the studigp



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tended to calculate’ short-range effects.

ttee which

tudy, and

were ex-

These were considdred under

‘three possible conditions: (1) a high air burst without ra
or snowfall;
(2) a high air burst with early rain or snow; and (3) a low air burst,



surface burst, or underground burst.

Monitoring at Test Site (BUSTER-JANGLE).


test site area were issued film badges by the RadSafe Unit.
personnel radiation report requires some upward revision off exposures

previously reported.
This report shows that of the 1,749
persons with
badges none exceeded an integrated dose of 6 roentgens, an only 12 exceeded 4 roentgens.
These 12 represent less than 0.7 percdnt of the total
personnei subject to exposure.

1.2 roentgens.


The average integrated expdsure Was about

The timing of each shot with respect to Weather con itions was
the major factor in preventing significent fall-out in pop lated areas.
However, surveys of fall-out in the test area were made-b helicopter and
estimated results show “hot" areas with integrated doses
75 roentgens
at 15 miles from the surface shot, and 175 roentgens at 9
iles from the
underground shot.
Since these specific areas Were observ
within the
Nevada Test Site, they do not represent.a health problem fo populated
However, such fall-out patterns are phenomena notffully understood or predictable. Further monitoring should provide
q@ata upon which
to base predictions of fall-out patterns for future tests
Monitoring of air activity.
Tc assess alr activith, two groups
were utilized for BUSTER and 12 for JANGLE within the tints of 10 to



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